The Surprising Secrets to Living Longer—And Better + MORE

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The Surprising Secrets to Living Longer—And Better


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Old age demands to be taken very seriously–and it usually gets its way. It’s hard to be cavalier about a time of life defined by loss of vigor, increasing frailty, rising disease risk and falling cognitive faculties. Then there’s the unavoidable matter of the end of consciousness and the self–death, in other words–that’s drawing closer and closer. It’s the rare person who can confront the final decline with flippancy or ease. That, as it turns out, might be our first mistake.

Humans are not alone in facing the ultimate reckoning, but we’re the only species–as far as we know–who spends its whole life knowing death is coming. A clam dredged from the ocean off Iceland in 2006–and inadvertently killed by the scientists who discovered it–carried growth lines on its shell indicating it had been around since 1499. That was enough time for 185,055 generations of mayfly–which live as little as a day–to come and go. Neither clam nor fly gave a thought to that mortal math.

Humans fall somewhere between those two extremes. Globally, the average life span is 71.4 years; for a few lucky people, it may exceed 100 years. It has never, to science’s knowledge, exceeded the 122 years, 164 days lived by Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who was born when Ulysses S. Grant was in the White House and died when Bill Clinton lived there.

Most of us would like a little bit of that Calment magic, and we’ve made at least some progress. Life expectancy in the U.S. exceeds the global average, clocking in at just under 79 years. In 1900, it was just over 47 years. The extra decades came courtesy of just the things you’d expect: vaccines, antibiotics, sanitation and improved detection and treatment of a range of diseases. Advances in genetics and in our understanding of dementia are helping to extend our factory warranties still further.

None of that, however, changes the way we contemplate the end of life–often with anxiety and asceticism, practicing a sort of existential bartering. We can narrow our experiences and give up indulgences in exchange for a more guardedly lived life that might run a little longer.

But what if we could take off some of that bubble wrap? What about living longer and actually having some fun? A Yale University study just this month found that in a group of 4,765 people with an average age of 72, those who carried a gene variant linked to dementia–but also had positive attitudes about aging–were 50% less likely to develop the disorder than people who carried the gene but faced aging with more pessimism or fear.

There may be something to be said then for aging less timidly–as a sort of happy contrarian, arguing when you feel like arguing, playing when you feel like playing. Maybe you want to pass up the quiet of the country for the churn of a city. Maybe you want to drink a little, eat a rich meal, have some sex…

Watch: 17-Year-Old American Vincent Zhou Lands First Quad Lutz in Olympic History


What an Olympics it’s been for 17-year-old American athletes. 

Snowboarders Chloe Kim and Red Gerard took home gold in their events earlier this week. Now, teen figure skater Vincent Zhou has made Olympic history by landing a quadruple Lutz. 

Zhou is the first skater to ever land the jump at the Olympics. 

No skater has successfully landed a quad Axel in competition, making the Lutz the most difficult quad jump you’ll see at the Olympics

Fellow American Nathan Chen, who is just 18, also has a quad Lutz in his routine and landed two of them during his free skate at Skate America earlier this season.

The 11 Best Hairstyles for Medium-Length Hair


Long hair is often portrayed as romantic, dreamy, and feminine. Short hair can be fun, edgy, and unique. But if you think there’s anything boring about middle length hair, think again—it’s actually the most versatile length of all. Short enough to play up texture but long enough to weave a braid or two, there are tons of options for those with medium-length hair to make a statement with their strands.

Still not convinced? Check out the shots below for some hairstyle inspo, and don’t be afraid to give one or two try. Pin the rest for later, or challenge yourself to a new look every day!

Fishtail braids


Haven’t worn pigtail braids since pre-K? Consider this a personal challenge to give them another go. Sexy, messy fishtail braids update the old classic, and using thin, clear elastics like these to finish them off keeps things from looking too immature.

Space buns

Photo: Nealmhair/Instagram

You don’t need to be at Coachella to rock this trendy look—space buns are an awesome and easy way to make your hair stand out. Gather up two buns at the top of your head and let the rest of your hair flow as shown above, or gather all hair into two low space buns at the nape of the neck for a more subtle take.

Flirty low pony

Photo: Airhairandmakeup and Annett_ka26/Instagram

Tease it, curl it, crimp it, you name it. When it comes to customizing a ponytail, the world is your oyster. Soft waves and a teased crown are the ultimate dreamy date-night combo, but a quick low pony is an easy go-to for errands, gym days, and more.

Beachy waves

Photo: Michlgon/Instagram

Short hair often makes waves appear short and curly, while long hair can sometimes weigh texture down. That’s why medium hair is the perfect length for easy, carefree beach waves that look gorgeous. Whether you use a curling wand or a texture spray, the result is effortless cool.

Upside-down braided bun

Photo: Camillestyles/Instagram

Business in the front, party in the back. Experienced braiders can whip up this style in minutes, and the result is a stunning surprise that will literally turn heads.

Pull-through braid

Photo: Isijaytot/Instagram

Once you’ve mastered fishtails and French braids, a pull-through braid should be next on your list of styles to tackle. Pull front strands into the braid and leave the rest down like above, or gather the finished product into a pony or bun for an updo version. Once you know the braiding technique, the possibilities are endless.

Ballerina bun

Photo: Beautyby_loulou/Instagram

Messy buns are undoubtedly cool, but a perfectly coiffed high bun? So stylish. Use the sock bun method to roll your hair to perfection, or trust your bobby pinning skills to create a topknot flawless enough that real ballerinas will envy you.

Sleek ponytail

Photo: Crystal Blanchard/Pinterest

Nothing says polished like a shiny, smooth pony—plus, throwing one up takes just seconds…

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The Surprising Secrets to Living Longer—And
Watch: 17-Year-Old American Vincent Zhou Lands First Quad Lutz in Olympic
The 11 Best Hairstyles for Medium-Length

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