Torch Calories With This Total-Body Circuit Workout + MORE

Beauty and health are wonderful areas to dedicate one’s life. We have seen the simple addition of hair with Invisablend’s hair extensions and treatments cause an immediate increase in our client’s confidence and life enjoyment. We encourage you to do the little things that make you feel good and give you confidence. It will have a dynamic effect on your quality of life.

This Anti-Aging Serum Is Like Botox in a Bottle


This article originally appeared on 

Serums deliver results. And the result I was desperately wishing for was the disappearance of my expression lines.

While I’m thankful that I care strongly enough about things, and life in general, that raising my eyebrows and laughing formed creases in my skin in first place, I don’t love being reminded that my face isn’t as elastic as it once was. And with that, I turned to serums, which are notorious for being heavily concentrated in nutrient-rich ingredients that do work.

Already a firm believer in anti-aging eye creams and moisturizers, I went on the hunt for an anti-aging serum to compliment my already wrinkle-averting routine. The bottle I settled on? Juara Clove Flower and Turmeric Anti-Aging Serum ($65:

The main reason I picked this product from the thousands of other options was because Juara is known for ditching the fragrances, colorants, and harsh chemicals for a more natural approach to beauty. But the turmeric super ingredient call-out helped catch my attention, too. Known for being not only amazing for acne, but also a powerful antioxidant powerhouse, Juara claims the ingredient in the serum will help even out your skin tone, leaving you glowy and radiant. The other ingredients, like hyaluronic acid and goji fruit, aid in reducing the appearance of fine lines.

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It’s dispenses as a brown, super lightweight gel, which I applied in a nickel-size portion to my face post-cleansing and pre-moisturizer. After it became the norm a few weeks later, I realized my fact felt super supple and firm, but not tight or dehydrated. I was so confused, continually professing my newfound discovery to my mother. It must have sounded fishy because she, all of a sudden, flat-out asked me if I had gotten Botox without telling her.

No, but I might have discovered a slightly more subtle version of that in a bottle.

The most noticeable result, though? My wish had come true, as the visibility and depth of the expression lines on my forehead were drastically reduced. Shocking.

While I’m not yet ready to jump into Botox for my wrinkle probs, and have no intention of ever pulling a Kim K.W and not smiling for photos or wearing all of my emotions on my sleeve (and face), I will gladly keep a fresh bottle of this formula on my top-shelf.

4 Upper-Body Exercises to Steal From Taraji P. Henson’s Workout


Not only is Taraji P. Henson a powerhouse on screen as Cookie Lyon on the hit Fox series Empire, but the actress has also proven to be one in the gym too. Don’t believe us? Just check out this video her trainer, Mike T. of Force Fitness Inc., shared on Instagram the other day. While we're tired just watching Taraji get her sweat on, the 46-year-old mom seems to just breeze through this strength circuit.

Looking to boost your upper-body strength too? Try working your way through the exact moves that keep Taraji looking super toned.

Chest Press With Legs Lifted

Lie faceup on a bench, with legs up, knees bent at about 90 degrees and ankles crossed. Hold a dumbbell in each hand on either side of chest; palms face forward. Lift both weights, pushing them straight up until arms are fully extended. Pause for a second, and then lower back to start. Continue repeating.

Biceps Curl in Split Stance

Stand with feet staggered, one foot in front of the other, and knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of body; palms face out. Lean forward slightly, bend elbows, and curl dumbbells toward shoulders. Slowly lower weights back down to start, and then repeat. Alternate stance with each set.

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Seated Chest Fly

Adjust seat height on machine so that handles are at chest height. Sit tall with feet planted on floor and middle and lower back touching the back of the seat. Maintaining a slight bend in elbows, squeeze the handles, bringing them in toward one another until hands meet. Pause, and then slowly open arms back out to start. Continue repeating. 

Single Arm American Kettlebell Swing

Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and knees bent into a half-squat. Grasp kettlebell with one hand so it hangs between (and slightly behind) calves. Come up out of squat, letting kettlebell swing until arm is extended straight up over head, and then bend at hips and knees to squat back down as the kettlebell swings back between legs. Repeat with opposite arm.

Torch Calories With This Total-Body Circuit Workout


Torch Calories With This Total-Body Circuit Workout

This article originally appeared on

Creating an all-encompassing workout — one that gets your heart rate up while strengthening every major muscle group — takes some fancy fit work. But it’s something Steve Uria, founder of Switch Playground in New York City (original location: South Africa), does with gusto. If you’ve never been to the playground, imagine recess for adults but with more structure and sculpting goals.

Each class at Switch includes 20 stations, with two exercises per station. You’ll work every body part — big and small — and because you only do each exercise for 30 seconds (two minutes total per station), you’ll break a serious sweat to boot. (The party vibe with a live DJ and neon lights will help you turn up the intensity, too.)

RELATED: The Fitness Trend That Could Bust Workout Boredom

“Circuit workouts promote a functional training environment to condition the whole body,” Uria explains. “You’re maximizing benefit in minimal time, and creating a cardiovascular experience within a strength training arena.” In other words, you simultaneously pump up the volume on fat burning and muscle building.

Of course, we couldn’t leave Uria’s fun and games at the playground, so we had him design a sequence you could do right at home. All you need is a set of dumbbells, a kettlebell and med ball, and a killer workout playlist (like this one). Crank the volume, and you’re ready to blast through these circuits.

RELATED: Burn Fat, Build Muscle: 3 Killer Circuit Training Workouts

4 Mini Circuit Workouts, 1 Killer Total-Body Routine

Get ready for one mini circuit for every section of the body, plus a total-body scorcher. Each circuit features just three moves — but packs plenty of targeted body benefits. Do 12 to 15 reps of each move and two to three rounds of each circuit before moving on to the next. If you still have some drive by that final exercise, push it into high gear and repeat everything from the top, Uria says. Sweaty, sculpted and oh-so-energized… here you come!

RELATED: 10 Resistance Band Exercises to Build Total-Body Strength

Lower Body Circuit Workout

Fire up some of the biggest muscles in the body: your quads, hamstrings, and even more so, your glutes. Hello, booty burn.

1. Side Step Squat
How to: With a dumbbell in each hand and your arms down by your sides, stand with feet hip-width apart (a). Step out to the left side, push your hips back and drop your butt down to sit into a squat (b). Stand up straight, then step your feet back to the starting position (c). Next, step out to the right side and sit into a squat (d). Stand up, return to the starting position, and continue alternating.

2. Back Lunge with Knee Raise
How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart (a)…

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This Anti-Aging Serum Is Like Botox in a
4 Upper-Body Exercises to Steal From Taraji P. Henson’s
Torch Calories With This Total-Body Circuit

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