11 Fitness-Themed Mannequin Challenges That Made Our Jaws Drop + MORE

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The 5 Beauty Products Lindsay Ellingson Never Travels Without

– health.com

Model-turned-beauty maven Lindsay Ellingson knows a thing or two about looking great while on the go. The former Victoria's Secret Angel is the co-founder and creative director of Wander Beauty, a cosmetics brand inspired by her years spent jet-setting around the world. Before you hop on a plane this holiday season, check out her five pro tips for keeping your skin hydrated and glowing throughout your trip. 

Simplify your routine

After 12 years of modeling, I've learned how to downsize my beauty bag so that all of my products fit into only one quart-sized ziplock bag. It’s a "must" to avoid lost baggage or extra time at the airport. 

Prep before you leave home

Before I travel, I exfoliate with Dr. Lancer's skin polish ($75; sephora.com) since it's too large to travel with. It leaves my skin looking so fresh! I also drink a cold-pressed juice with ginger and citrus for the immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory benefits.

In-flight beauty maintenance is key

You’ll never find me without my Eau Thermale Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray ($19; amazon.com), Dr. Jart Water Replenishment Sheet Mask ($8; birchbox.com), and Weleda Hydrating Facial Lotion ($15; amazon.com). Keeping skin hydrated is the only way to arrive looking fresh.

RELATED: The 5 Best Matte Lipsticks That Won't Try Out Your Lips

Find your favorite multitasking products

Wander Beauty's Carryon Lip and Cheek Gel ($22; sephora.com) imparts the perfect amount of color to wake up your complexion before landing.

Don’t forget to mask

When I'm traveling, planes and lack of sleep can leave my skin looking dry and dull, so I end up masking way more than usual, and will even do so multiple times a day. When I arrive at my destination, I love to unwind with a cooling one to plump my skin. I’ve been loving Tatcha's Deep Hydration Revitalizing Eye masks ($12; sephora.com). The red algae blend helps to diminish the appearance of fine lines, puffiness, and dark circles. 

11 Fitness-Themed Mannequin Challenges That Made Our Jaws Drop

– health.com

Search #MannequinChallenge on social media and you'll land on hundreds of videos of folks posing stock-still in the middle of a staged action scene—like the clip of Michelle Obama and the Cleveland Cavaliers frozen mid-conversation at the White House, and the one of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna "on pause" in the delivery room. While we're impressed that anyone can remain still so stoically (the challenge is technically one long isometric hold, right?), we're seriously in awe of those who have nailed the viral craze in poses that require impressive strength and balance. Below, some of the most gravity-defying, core-blasting, and stability-testing mannequin challenges we've come across (so far).

Team USA gymnastics

These athletes all deserve gold medals for not falling (let alone blinking) while holding these bendy poses.


Brass Butterflies pole and aerial studio in Ontario, Canada

Watch as these super-strong ladies take the challenge quite literally to new heights. (There's even a longer version on YouTube.)


Brigham Young University gymnastics team

Warning: Don't try this at home.


Kevin Hart and crew in the weight room

Now THAT'S a gym face, Kevin Hart!


A Physique 57 barre class

Our seats can feel the burn from here.


Trinity Valley Community College cheerleading squad

Three cheers for the members of this spirit squad, who must reaaaaaally trust each other.


Soul Cycle

The one exception to the "ride to the beat" rule.


CrossFit Solace in New York

Nope, we're not impressed. Not at all. Not even a little. Nope.


Britney Spears and her back-up dancers

This is the closest we'll ever come to joining Britney's dance troupe on stage (and we'll take it!).


Victoria's Secret models

The ladies hit pause while toning up for the VS Fashion Show next month.

10 Quotes That Perfectly Capture Why You Love to Run

– health.com

You know those days when you could use a little extra boost of motivation to lace up your sneakers and head outside? These quotes are for those times. They are the words of runners who’ve managed to articulate that elusive feeling of being deep in the zone, and the power that comes from pushing your limits. Essentially, their quotes sum up why you go running even when it’s rainy, or you’re tired, or you don’t have time—and why you’re always glad that you did.


—Katie Mackey, professional mid-distance runner with the Brooks Beasts Track Club


—Kathrine Switzer, first woman to enter the Boston Marathon in 1967, and winner of the 1974 New York City marathon



—Gail W. Kislevitz, author of Get Muddy, First Triathlons, and First Marathons


—Paula Radcliffe, the women's world record holder in the marathon


RELATED: This Video Shows What Happens to Your Body During a Marathon

—Haruki Murakami, Japanese writer and bestselling novelist


—Florence Griffith Joyner, three-time gold medalist at the 1988 Summer Olympics


RELATED: 15 Running Tips You Need to Know

—John Bingham, author of The Courage to Start: A Guide to Running for Your Life and No Need For Speed: A Beginner's Guide to the Joy of Running.


—Amby Burfoot, writer at large for Runner's World, and winner of the 1968 Boston Marathon


RELATED: 6 Mental Tricks to Get You Through the Last Mile of a Run

—Jacqueline Hansen, winner of the 1973 Boston Marathon and former world record holder 


—Lauren Fleshman, former top collegiate distance runner and two-time USA Track and Field champion in the 5K


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The 5 Beauty Products Lindsay Ellingson Never Travels Withouthealth.com
11 Fitness-Themed Mannequin Challenges That Made Our Jaws Drophealth.com
10 Quotes That Perfectly Capture Why You Love to Runhealth.com

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