January, 2016
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Experts Answer Your Top 8 Questions About Caring for Dry Winter Skin + MORE
Hair extensions and hair treatments are just one way that
Invisiblend Hair Studio helps to increase our client’s quality of life. A hair
technician or hair salon specialist is more than just a stylist, they are a
friend. A person to vent your week to, express your joy and life achievements, there
is more than just beauty when it comes to our hair stylist.
The Fastest Exercise to Lift Your Butt
– health.com
Jillian Michaels: "I Don't Believe in All or Nothing"
– health.com
Experts Answer Your Top 8 Questions About Caring for Dry Winter Skin
– health.com
Next Page: What are those tiny white dots under my eyes?
What are those tiny white dots under my eyes?Those little lumps are not acne (so stop trying to squeeze them!). In fact, they’re likely miniature cysts, called milia, which are often caused by heavy creams or other occlusive products used under the eyes, says Doris Day, MD, a dermatologist in New York City. Solution: Dab a gentle chemical exfoliator over the area (avoiding eyes); it will help shed skin, which may coax out the cysts…
20-Minute Pilates Butt Workout for Stronger Glutes + MORE
Picking This Seat on a Flight Means You’re Selfish, Psychologists Say + MORE
What It Means If You Hear Laurel vs. Yanny, According to a Neuroscientist + MORE

Torch Calories With This Total-Body Circuit Workout + MORE

I Wash My Hair Once a Week—and It’s Never Looked Better + MORE
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The Fastest Exercise to Lift Your Butt – health.com
Jillian Michaels: "I Don't Believe in All or Nothing" – health.com
Experts Answer Your Top 8 Questions About Caring for Dry Winter Skin – health.com
How can this not be an actual real growing hairline???
How can this not be an actual real growing hairline???
– invisablend.com
Well, there is a new and highly advanced technology that has been created that will change and make all other techniques in the world of increasing hair volume obsolete! Introducing the breakthrough ingredient that makes this all possible, Hair-threads called Translucent Blending-Strands.
What are these Hair-threads and how can they create the duplication of a real growing hairline? Hair-threads are ultra-fine filaments that duplicate the finest human hairs in the world.
How do these Hair-threads duplicate real high quality human hairs? These Hair-threads replicate the same diameter of the finest human hairs, so they bend, move and have the same flexibility as the best human hairs, but these Hair-threads are not used to replace human hairs. Instead these Hair-threads are used to plant single real human hairs, one at a time, either in-between thinning hairs or directly into a bald area.
The ultimate and finest way to add real hair would be to add hairs onto something as fine as human hairs, and that is what is performed here within this picture above.
Single human hairs, one real hair a time is feed onto these Hair-threads, called Translucent Blending-Strands. These Hair-threads are also transparent upon contact of the scalp so you then see nothing but single human hairs appearing to be actually growing directly out of the scalp, even in the very front hairline which is the most critical area.
A picture says a thousand words but an actual demonstration is solid 100% proof of reality. That is why trail demos are available as real proof. For availability of this actual proof call 800-992-9976 or email info@InvisaBlend.com Also see additional details on the website www.InvisaBlend.com
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Healthy Foods for your hair
How to increase hair volume in a Purely Natural way?
InvisaBlend Concept
The Finest Art in Solving Thinning Hair
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How can this not be an actual real growing hairline??? – invisablend.com
Health is # 1….. That’s why invisaBlend was created
Health is # 1….. That’s why invisaBlend was created
– invisablend.com
InvisaBlend is the one and ONLY options that increases hair volume instantly while also encouraging your hair growth simultaneously! As everyone is saying – “This is revolutionary!”
Real PROOF is available – The InvisaBlend concept provides a private FREE Trial. It cost nothing to actually experience how InvisaBlend will add instant hair volume while stimulating hair growth. It can’t get any simpler – if you want fuller hair, experience the product for FREE, privately, and then make you decision.
See video on how and why InvisaBlend is the only Healthy approach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9Z5RwsVDTA
The post Health is # 1….. That’s why invisaBlend was created appeared first on Invisablend.
How to increase hair volume in a Purely Natural way?
Healthy Foods for your hair
InvisaBlend Concept
The Finest Art in Solving Thinning Hair
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Health is # 1….. That’s why invisaBlend was created – invisablend.com
Natural remedies to help hair growth!!! How this works with InvisaBlend

Natural remedies to help hair growth!!! How this works with InvisaBlend
– invisablend.com

Natures way to a healthy head of hair. It is so important to give your hair constant nourishment by starting on the inside out. MICRO-STRANDING is the only method of adding hair that leaves your precious hairs alone and allows your hair to breath so that nourishing your real hair doesn’t go to waste. You can actually stimulate hair growth while wearing the MicroHair~fiber extensions using treatments or any other natural vitamins to promote growth. Invisablend won’t stunt the growth of any new hair or existing hair you have because it allows you scalp to breath. There is a light at the end of the tunnel with INVISABLEND
Hair growth system we recommend here at Invisablend hair studio because of its natural ingredients.
At Invisablend we created the only method of adding hair that promotes hair growth. We want your natural hair to be healthy a free so you are able to use vitamins and hair growth treatments to help hair growth!
Revivogen MD is a dermatologist formulated natural solution that combats the most common form of hair loss, androgenic alopecia
-Natural solution for thinning hair -Reduces DHT production -Blocks DHT attachment to the follicle
-Activates the hair follicle growth cycle
Works on front of scalp and crown -Safe and affective for both men and women -Protects nourishes and revitalizes the hair
You can use any treatment you like when you use our MicroHair~fiber extensions or our technique of adding hair anywhere on your head (Micro-standing) but we really love Revivogen!!
The post Natural remedies to help hair growth!!! How this works with InvisaBlend appeared first on Invisablend.
What is purely natural when it comes to increasing hair volume?
Healthy Foods for your hair
Health is # 1….. That’s why invisaBlend was created
How can this not be an actual real growing hairline???
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Natural remedies to help hair growth!!! How this works with InvisaBlend – invisablend.com
11 Ways to Make Your Hair Look 10 Years Younger + MORE
Hair extensions and hair treatments are just one way that
Invisiblend Hair Studio helps to increase our client’s quality of life. A hair
technician or hair salon specialist is more than just a stylist, they are a
friend. A person to vent your week to, express your joy and life achievements, there
is more than just beauty when it comes to our hair stylist.
Jillian Michaels: "I Don't Believe in All or Nothing"
– health.com
11 Ways to Make Your Hair Look 10 Years Younger
– health.com
Next Page: Erase the Grays
Erase the GraysYou may blame stress, but the reality is that the production of pigment in hair follicles starts to lag with age (at what point depends on your genes)…
Why You're Not Losing Weight Yet
– health.com
The Exact Skincare Products Victoria Beckham Uses Every Day for Glowing Skin + MORE
5 Mental Tricks to Feeling Amazing, Even if You Miss a Few Workouts + MORE

Get Sculpted Shoulders with These 5 Moves + MORE

Sweat Mecca: Once America’s Largest Bank Hall Is Now Under Armour's Deposit in Fitness + MORE
The Upper-Body Workout That Gives J.Lo Her Strong, Toned Arms + MORE
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Jillian Michaels: "I Don't Believe in All or Nothing" – health.com
11 Ways to Make Your Hair Look 10 Years Younger – health.com
Why You're Not Losing Weight Yet – health.com
Hair Hangover
Hair Hangover
– invisablend.com
It has nothing to do with alcohol, although it is an unbalanced way of wearing your hair.
In the world of adding additional hair most methods of adding hair, like wearing a hair system does exactly this – a Hair Hangover. When a woman is experiencing thinning hair and wears a hair system or a hair unit, which is very common when hair extensions aren’t enough, unfortunately all hair systems worldwide apply a hair system but create a Hair Hangover during the process.
How and Why??? Hair systems or hair units either have to cover or remove your hair to add the hair system. Due to this fact it’s best to either cover or remove the smallest portion of a women’s hair so the hair system is fitted in the top area only even though most women’s thinning hair occurs throughout the top, sides and a portion of the back too.
So what happens? The hair from the hair unit hangs over (a Hair Hang-over) from the top into the sides and back areas creating a #Hair-Hangover.
This is OK by just looking in the mirror but it totally restricts a woman’s daily everyday life because a women cannot have freedom do anything with her hair, in fact she has to be very careful during her daily life what she does so the thin areas in the sides and back do not show.
Please give me your comments about this because I have more to say about this, email me at Dino@InvisaBlend.com
I will post more about this because there is much more to say about a Hair Hangover that the world is just not informed about.
By Dino Dondiego The Hair Expert.
The post Hair Hangover appeared first on Invisablend.
Health is # 1….. That’s why invisaBlend was created
InvisaBlend Concept
How can this not be an actual real growing hairline???
What is purely natural when it comes to increasing hair volume?
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Hair Hangover – invisablend.com
Hair Extensions could become OBSOLETE!!!
Hair Extensions could become OBSOLETE!!!
– invisablend.com
Conversely, Hair Extensions can be seen somewhat easily, and can be felt too, plus they cause some hair loss also.
Cost – This new method is less money than a Hair Extension.
What would you pick??? Yes, it’s a no brainier.
Inside the video below you’ll see the finished product before it would be blended in-between your existing hair. Notice it appears as if there is just hairs draped over this hand, but no so.
A microscopic tip instrument is used to blend ONE real hair at a time onto Hair-Threads (Special filaments as find and soft as one human hair)
You opinion and questions are encouraged – Dino@InvisaBlend.com
Watch this Video NOW to see – Why Hair Extensions might become obsolete!
The post Hair Extensions could become OBSOLETE!!! appeared first on Invisablend.
The Finest Art in Solving Thinning Hair
Health is # 1….. That’s why invisaBlend was created
Healthy Foods for your hair
Hair Hangover
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Hair Extensions could become OBSOLETE!!! – invisablend.com
MicroHair~fiber extensions. Never restricted with Micro-Stranding: A new technique of adding hair

MicroHair~fiber extensions. Never restricted with Micro-Stranding: A new technique of adding hair
– invisablend.com

We get this questions a lot as all ways of adding hair restricts you from many activities that you love. Going to the gym and sweating or swimming is a big factor when something is covering your head/hair and absorbing liquid. Also creating a lot of movement is not ideal for those who love to stay active.
MicroHair~fiber extensions do not restrict you from being yourself or living an active lifestyle. Using this Micro-strand method of adding hair allows you to brush all the way down to your scalp and feel nothing but thicker fuller hair. Put up your hair and go for a jog, skydiving or whatever other fun activities you have going on in your life. You will never feel constricted or confined by this type method of adding hair because it is the closest duplication of natural hair growth. Remember, this is also the most versatile way of adding hair. So if you need hair added on the top or front of your hairline, this is the way to go. This is something that works WITH your existing hair and it’s the closest thing to having nothing on your scalp.
Check out my before and after pictures.I went to the beach every weekend this summer and spent a lot of time in the ocean and had absolutely no issues. Just make sure you are conditioning it well enough before you go in the ocean. It’s real hair so we want you to take good care of it like you would your own!
writen by : Dina Marie
The post MicroHair~fiber extensions. Never restricted with Micro-Stranding: A new technique of adding hair appeared first on Invisablend.

Natural remedies to help hair growth!!! How this works with InvisaBlend
How can this not be an actual real growing hairline???
How to increase hair volume in a Purely Natural way?
InvisaBlend Concept
What is purely natural when it comes to increasing hair volume?
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MicroHair~fiber extensions. Never restricted with Micro-Stranding: A new technique of adding hair – invisablend.com
Jillian Michaels: "I Don't Believe in All or Nothing" + MORE
Hair extensions and hair treatments are just one way that
Invisiblend Hair Studio helps to increase our client’s quality of life. A hair
technician or hair salon specialist is more than just a stylist, they are a
friend. A person to vent your week to, express your joy and life achievements, there
is more than just beauty when it comes to our hair stylist.
6 Habits All Healthy Women Share
– www.health.com
Jillian Michaels: "I Don't Believe in All or Nothing"
– health.com
Experts Answer Your Top 8 Questions About Caring for Dry Winter Skin
– health.com
Next Page: What are those tiny white dots under my eyes?
What are those tiny white dots under my eyes?Those little lumps are not acne (so stop trying to squeeze them!). In fact, they’re likely miniature cysts, called milia, which are often caused by heavy creams or other occlusive products used under the eyes, says Doris Day, MD, a dermatologist in New York City. Solution: Dab a gentle chemical exfoliator over the area (avoiding eyes); it will help shed skin, which may coax out the cysts…
Will Immunotherapy Be the End of Cancer?
Whitney Way Thore Tells the Internet Trolls to Stay Away: 'I Take No Stock in Your Opinion' + MORE
This Spray Helps My Wavy Hair Stay Straight All Day + MORE
Women Are Naturally Fitter Than Men, Study Says + MORE
Everything You Need to Know About HIIPA: The Exercise Trend for People Who Don’t Have Time to Work Out
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6 Habits All Healthy Women Share – www.health.com
Jillian Michaels: "I Don't Believe in All or Nothing" – health.com
Experts Answer Your Top 8 Questions About Caring for Dry Winter Skin – health.com
Getting to the ROOT of Hair Loss
Getting to the ROOT of Hair Loss
– invisablend.com
How and why hair grows and falls out
Each individual hair on your head has a life cycle of 2 – 3 years. After this 2 to 3 year period the one individual hair is pushed out by another growing hair underneath it, similar to a young child’s tooth being pushed out by the adult tooth. Now a new hair grows in replacing the older hair.
This pushing out of older hairs replaced by new hairs is what causes normal shedding. The average is to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. The finer your overall head of hair is the closer to 50 hairs a day shedding, and the thicker or more hair you have the closer to 100 hairs a day shedding. But even 50 hairs a day on any person’s head is a lot of hair loss per day of which can make a person worry or even panic. That is why it is so very important to know about the normal revolving of new hairs pushing out the older hairs.
Now let’s connect this understanding of normal hair shedding to how you might actually have hair loss: The process of losing hair through genetic hair lose, a common cause, occurs within this normal shedding process as follows:
The normal shedding of hairs, from 50 to 100 hairs a day still occurs normally, but the new hair grows in and has a thinner diameter than the previous hair, which means the more of these thinner diameter hairs the less fuller you hair becomes.
These new hairs also grow into a shorter hair length, meaning they will now not keep growing to any length. Some of these newer hairs will only grow to 10” and stop, yet others only to 5”, and yet others only to ½ “. So as time goes on your new hairs are growing in thinner diameters and all different shorter degrees. This can cause your ends to look thin or even appear like split-ends. This also causes an appearance as if your hair just grows to a certain hair length and then stops, which in effect that is what’s happening.
Note, as each new hair grows in, pushing the last hair out, each new hair grows to an even thinner diameter and an even shorter hair length. This continues on from each hair cycle, sometimes slowing down and sometimes stopping, although sometimes continually until each new hair gets to baby hair fuzz, and sometimes fades away into no more growing hairs. Every case is differ and almost impossible to predict, but nevertheless don’t let the normal 50 to 100 hairs a day worry you because this is still average and normal.
Some options that might help. To keep your hair at optimum health it’s important to get and stay healthy, eating better, taking vitamins…
Hair Hangover
InvisaBlend Concept
How to increase hair volume in a Purely Natural way?
Hair Extensions could become OBSOLETE!!!
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Getting to the ROOT of Hair Loss – invisablend.com