August, 2015

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Weight Loss Success Story: "I Finally Put Myself First" + MORE

When it comes to invsablend reviews there are a lot of
sources. Making sure accurate and relevant information is accessible we have
started a review blog to help inform the public. We hope this beauty review
helps to enlighten your life and encourage good health.

Weight Loss Success Story: "I Finally Put Myself First"


I was never a healthy eater. In fact, the only reason I was able to stay thin for so long was that I was a cardio addict. That ended when I remarried in 2011; focusing on my newly blended family left little time for workouts. The result: I put on 25 pounds in less than a year. One time, someone even asked when my baby was due! Still, it wasn’t until December 2012, when I saw a video of myself looking doughy all over, that I knew it was time to take action.RELATED: The Same 10 Weight Loss Mistakes All Women Make Up for the challenge I started 2013 off with a promise to exercise but didn’t get my butt in gear until February, when I joined the Labrada Lean Body Challenge, a 12-week fitness contest. Through it, I learned about strength training, which I did nightly. I also made sure to fit in an hour on the stairmill or treadmill each morning before work. I shed 18 pounds in three months. Back to basics I also focused on eating better; I measured and weighed everything. The hardest part was cleaning up my cooking habits. I learned to use zero-calorie seasonings, as well as olive oil instead of butter, sugar and salt. The results quickly showed; I peeled off 2 to 3 pounds each week. Then the scale started creeping up again, but this time it was because of the lean muscle I was building. I didn’t mind it—those new, “strong” pounds whittled my body fat percentage down by more than 15 percent! Seeing my frame transform made it clear to me that I needed to stop feeling guilty for making myself a priority—to be a good mom, I had to be a healthy one. RELATED: 13 Women Who’ve Lost 100+ Pounds 4 Tips to Keep Pounds Away How does Twyla stay so lean and toned? Check out her favorite strategies below, and find even more tactics at Sweat with your spouse My hubby and I make exercise outings “our” time. We’ll go to the gym for an hour and lift weights together. Having him there keeps me accountable. Swap out store-bought I make healthier versions of sweets: For chocolate chip cookies, I use unsweetened applesauce instead of butter and sub in oat flour for white. Workout must: Military press There is something about this exercise that makes me feel empowered and strong. Plus, I love training my shoulders, and this really works that part of my body. Pull out that stopwatch I love that I can jog three miles in 24 minutes now; before, it took me 46 minutes! Tracking my running times and seeing how far I’ve come helps me stay committed.

Your Urinary Tract: A User's Manual


Ever wonder why you spend so much time in the bathroom? It’s because your urinary tract is your body’s drainage system, designed to remove waste and toxins. (Think of it as your own regular natural cleanse!) Unfortunately, women are more prone to urinary problems than men, thanks to our unique anatomy, hormone changes and the effects of pregnancy and childbirth. But don’t fret: Here’s everything you need to know to resolve your loo-related issues. Problem No. 1: Urinary incontinence The lowdown: About a quarter of women leak urine when they’re not actively trying to go. The most common culprits? Pregnancy and labor. “The increased weight during pregnancy puts pressure on your pelvic-floor muscles, and childbirth stretches them out, causing tears that can lead to urinary incontinence,” explains Costas Apostolis, MD, director and chief of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at Akron General Medical Center in Ohio. But you can be susceptible even if you’ve never had a kid. “As estrogen levels decline through menopause, your urinary tract muscles weaken, making it more likely that you’ll leak,” Dr. Apostolis says. And while we’re all about staying active, running and classes that require a ton of squatting and lifting (like CrossFit) can put stress on pelvic muscles and make the problem worse. What it feels like: Coughing, sneezing, laughing, squatting or lifting something puts pressure on your bladder, leading to leakage—as little as a few drops or as much as a geyser. Rx: Visit your ob-gyn. She may recommend pelvic-floor therapy to strengthen those muscles. If you’re dribbling during exercise, your doctor can prescribe a device called a pessary (inserted into the vagina) or outpatient surgery to support your bladder. Problem No. 2: Urinary tract infections The lowdown: Blame bacteria like E. coli that invade your urinary tract, often from your stool. Your ureters, urethra, kidneys or—most often—your bladder gets infected as a result. And women can be especially vulnerable. Why? “The proximity of the rectum to the urethra in women allows for easier transmission of bacteria into the bladder,” explains Courtenay K. Moore, MD, a female reconstructive surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic Glickman Urological Institute. A tendency to get UTIs can run in families. You’re also more likely to get one if you have multiple sexual partners—or are simply having sex frequently (good for you!). And you may start getting UTIs after menopause, due to declining estrogen levels in your system: “Estrogen promotes an acidic pH in the vagina, which protects against the bacteria that cause UTIs,” Dr. Moore says. What it feels like: The classic symptom is a burning sensation during and after peeing. You might also constantly feel like you have to go while only passing a small amount of urine. Rx: See your doctor pronto: If left untreated for several days, infection can spread to your kidneys, causing permanent damage. She’ll likely put you on antibiotics…

Weight Loss Success Story: "I Lost 96 Pounds"


Suheily Rodriguez27, 5’7″North Wales, Penn.Before: 236 lb., size 18After: 140 lb., size 2Total pounds lost: 96 lb.Sizes lost: 8 Growing up Puerto Rican, I ate meals that were mainly rice-based and filled with fried plantains and pernil (roast pork). My saving grace: I was active—a cheerleader and a gymnast. But once I graduated from high school, the number on the scale shot up. Two pregnancies later, I weighed 236 pounds. The worst part: I couldn’t walk for long without my ankles and knees throbbing. Still, it wasn’t until I saw the few photos I was unable to dodge from a trip to Puerto Rico in December 2011 that I was forced to confront my size; it was staring me right in the face. Though I had tried and failed to lose weight before, I decided to give a healthy lifestyle a go one last time. No more drive-throughs Starting in March 2012, I cut back on carbs, eliminating my daily helpings of rice, bread and pasta. Then I added more fruit and vegetables to my diet. I also traded in fast-food stops for home-cooked meals, feasting on spring-mix salads topped with chicken breast, salmon or tilapia every day. Within three months, I knocked off 10 pounds. Next I got a handle on my portions, serving my meals on my son’s mini plates. Home-gym slim Thirty pounds lighter, I was ready to sweat. The problem: I was too embarrassed to go to a gym. So I built a home one, where I exercised an hour a day six days a week. I dropped another 25 pounds by September. Just as exciting, I was able to fit into size 6 jeans! This motivated me to kick up my training intensity. I started using ankle weights while on the treadmill and when doing leg exercises. That really helped me firm up. One year after committing to getting fit, I reached my goal. Even better, I no longer want to hide when a camera comes out. Secrets of a 96-pound loser A doable diet and exercise plan were the keys to Suheily’s makeover. Try her tactics, and find even more at Flat-belly trick: Eat yogurt When I have more Greek yogurt (I like Yoplait’s tropical flavors), even for just a week, my tummy is instantly flatter. Fitspiration: Massiel arias I stumbled across her on Instagram (@mankofit). She posts great workouts and fitness challenges. Workout must: Electronic dance I listen to Tiesto’s podcasts; the fast pace makes me push harder. Go-to meal: Kimchi jjigae It’s a Korean stew made of kimchi, tofu, chili pepper, pork belly, red pepper paste, sesame oil and scallions, and it’s pretty low-cal, too.
Fresh Box

How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Everything + MORE

Constantly feeling guilty gnaws at your emotional well-being and causes negativity to snowball. “It can make you feel defeated, anxious, or even depressed,” says Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD, professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. And we.... More »

7 Inspiring Katie Ledecky Quotes From the 2016 Olympics + MORE

Swimmer Katie Ledecky famously credits her success to hard work and perseverance; but the 19-year-old athlete's upbeat, carefree attitude also reminds us not to take life too seriously. As a five-time Olympic gold medalist, nine-time world champion, and the current world-rec.... More »

I Tried Rope Wall Yoga and It Wasn’t as Scary as It Sounds + MORE

Rope wall yoga looks about as intimidating as you'd imagine. I came across it on Instagram, where I kept seeing impressive images of yogis suspended in acrobatic poses. Although they seemed so graceful floating in midair, I was having a hard time picturing mys.... More »

Women Are Naturally Fitter Than Men, Study Says + MORE

[brightcove:5413493151001 default] This article originally appeared on Conventional wisdom holds that men have the natural advantage when it comes to physical ability. But in one key measure of fitness, women actually come out on top, finds a small new study published in the journal Appl.... More »

Adele's Makeup Artist Has the Most Genius Hack for Your Under Eye Concealer + MORE

[brightcove:5187515756001 default]   This article originally appeared on Especially in summer's ever-climbing temperatures, keeping our concealer from creasing into those fine lines underneath our eyes (we should have started with the eye cream earlier, we know). Setting sp.... More »

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Weight Loss Success Story: "I Finally Put Myself First"
Your Urinary Tract: A User's
Weight Loss Success Story: "I Lost 96 Pounds"

Why You're Not Losing Belly Fat + MORE

Beauty and health are wonderful areas to dedicate one’s
life. We have seen the simple addition of hair with Invisablend’s hair
extensions and treatments cause an immediate increase in our client’s confidence
and life enjoyment. We encourage you to do the little things that make you feel
good and give you confidence. It will have a dynamic effect on your quality of

Why You're Not Losing Belly Fat


Can’t budge the belly fat? If you’ve been targeting your tummy with little success, it’s time to find out if you’re sabotaging your efforts. Here are 10 common traps to avoid in the battle of the bulge.

4 Lower-Body Moves to Tone Your Legs and Butt


Squats and lunges aren’t the only moves that will get your lower body in top form. In this video, Health contributor Tracy Anderson demonstrates 4 exercises that target those tough-to-reach muscles that help you pull in your stomach, boost your backside, and sculpt your thighs.

4 Bedtime Habits to Avoid


Trouble falling asleep? Your before-bed habits may be contributing to your insomnia. Here are four sneaky sleep saboteurs that you should avoid around bedtime if you want a good night’s rest.
Fresh Box

Shop Sarah Jessica Parker's Favorite Eye Liner: 'I Always Have It' + MORE

From her perfectly highlighted hair down to her SJP shoes, Sarah Jessica Parker has been a constant source of fashion and beauty inspiration. And lucky for us the Divorce actress and shoe designer, revealed some of her secrets on Wednesday night’s after show for Watch What Happens Live with A.... More »

6 Habits All Healthy Women Share + MORE

While we love a lively debate about the latest in dietary science or the hot new workout craze, the truth is that great health isn't so complicated. It all comes down to a few simple rules. Besides exercising, eating fruits and veggies and never smoking (you already knew that, right?), here's what t.... More »

Hot Yoga Is No Better for You Than Regular Yoga, Study Says + MORE

[brightcove:5532322486001 default] There’s something undeniably satisfying about leaving a fitness class dripping in sweat. When it comes to yoga, though, new research suggests there’s little reason to crank up the heat. Bikram yoga has attracted a loyal following due to its steamy cla.... More »

Watch Jennifer Lopez Leg Press Nearly 300 Pounds Like It's Nothing + MORE

If you thought Jennifer Lopez accepting Alex Rodriguez's marriage proposal mid-leg extensions would be her best gym moment this week, think again. Lopez is back with another look at her workouts, this time showing everyone how leg presses are done. Lopez posted a video to Insta.... More »

7 Inspiring Katie Ledecky Quotes From the 2016 Olympics + MORE

Swimmer Katie Ledecky famously credits her success to hard work and perseverance; but the 19-year-old athlete's upbeat, carefree attitude also reminds us not to take life too seriously. As a five-time Olympic gold medalist, nine-time world champion, and the current world-rec.... More »

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Why You're Not Losing Belly
4 Lower-Body Moves to Tone Your Legs and
4 Bedtime Habits to

4 Bedtime Habits to Avoid + MORE

When it comes to invsablend reviews there are a lot of
sources. Making sure accurate and relevant information is accessible we have
started a review blog to help inform the public. We hope this beauty review
helps to enlighten your life and encourage good health.

Sophia Bush Seizes the Day


Sophia Bush was born an old soul. “I was a tiny adult,” she says of her childhood in Los Angeles (her mom and dad were both in the photography business). “I always wanted to save the world. My parents thought it was sweet and that I’d outgrow it—and I never did!”Now the actress and activist, 33, is saving it in all sorts of ways. This month, she’s back for a third season as crime-solving detective Erin Lindsay on the NBC drama Chicago P.D. Off camera, she works with organizations like Pencils of Promise to help children gain access to education, and I Am That Girl, which builds support networks for girls. And she recently partnered with I Smell Great, a beauty line that creates fragrances aimed at inspiring female confidence and uses new technology that makes her “little nerd-heart get excited.”WATCH: Behind the scenes at the Sophia Bush cover shoot  She is also a longtime believer in the impact that healthy habits can have on your life—not just physically but emotionally, too. Over green tea, she opens up to Health about the morning routine that has had a profound effect on her life and shares how anyone can learn to live in the moment.What is different about you now compared with when you were a kid?I don’t think I just trust every single person anymore. I’m really coming into myself. There’s something about 33. You know, it’s one of those sort of sacred years. Thirty was amazing. And 33 is really only getting better. I feel much more rooted. I’ve learned how to listen to my intuition. My heart still feels open and I’m still madly in love with the world, but I understand very quickly how to read a person’s energy and how to better protect my own.RELATED: 10 Secrets of People Who Age GracefullyHow do you keep your intuition strong?I’ve gotten better at slowing down and sticking to my meditation practice. A lot of us seem to be on the same track: We crush it at work and we crush it with our physical health, but we haven’t been attending to that mind-body connection—and that’s the sweet spot. So I’m getting up at 7:30 a.m., I’m meditating for 20 minutes and then I’m going for a two-mile run. It’s only been a couple of weeks, and I feel so different. And I’m not a morning person! My theme of this year is “narrow and deep.” Less stuff, more depth. You just have to try to actively change your habits for one week: Get up 30 minutes earlier. Download the Headspace app and do a 10-minute meditation every day. It’s great.Your Chicago P.D. character, Erin, is a fan favorite because of how badass she is. Was she always that way?I’m never going to pick a role that is a person who I wouldn’t want to hang out with. I want to hang out with an interesting, layered, multifaceted woman who is unapologetic about her strength and her vulnerability.Are you that type of person in real life?Totally. I mean, I’m gushy. But I jump out of airplanes for fun and like to race cars and own three giant pit bulls. So I’m practicing allowing for my femininity more…

4 Bedtime Habits to Avoid


Trouble falling asleep? Your before-bed habits may be contributing to your insomnia. Here are four sneaky sleep saboteurs that you should avoid around bedtime if you want a good night’s rest.

Find Your Sweet Spot


This, I believe, is the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?Look, I don’t know what’s hidden within you. You yourself may barely know, although I suspect you’ve caught glimpses. I don’t know your capacities, your aspirations, your longings, your secret talents. But surely something wonderful is sheltered inside you. I say this with all confidence, because I happen to believe we are all walking repositories of buried treasure. I believe this is one of the oldest and most generous tricks the universe plays on us human beings, both for its own amusement and for ours: The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.RELATED: Find Your Ultimate Happiness The hunt to uncover those jewels—that’s creative living. The courage to go on that hunt in the first place—that’s what separates a mundane existence from a more enchanted one.The often surprising results of that hunt—that’s what I call Big Magic.When I talk about “creative living” here, please understand that I am not necessarily talking about pursuing a life that is professionally or exclusively devoted to the arts. When I refer to “creative living,” I am speaking more broadly. I’m talking about living a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.One of the coolest examples of creative living that I’ve seen in recent years, for instance, came from my friend Susan, who took up figure skating when she was 40 years old. To be more precise, she actually already knew how to skate. She had competed in figure skating as a child, but she’d quit the sport during adolescence when it became clear she didn’t have quite enough talent to be a champion.RELATED: 12 Worst Habits For Your Mental Health For the next quarter of a century, Susan did not skate. Then she turned 40. She was restless. She felt drab and heavy. She asked herself when was the last time she’d felt truly light, joyous and—yes—creative in her own skin. To her shock, she realized that the last time she’d experienced such feelings had been as a teenager, back when she was still figure skating. She was appalled to discover that she had denied herself this life-affirming pursuit for so long, and she was curious to see if she still loved it.So she followed her curiosity. She bought a pair of skates, found a rink, hired a coach. She ignored the voice within her that told her she was being self-indulgent and preposterous to do this crazy thing. She tamped down her feelings of extreme self-consciousness at being the only middle-aged woman on the ice, with all those tiny, feathery nine-year-old girls.She just did it.Three mornings a week, Susan awoke before dawn and went skating. And she skated and skated and skated. And yes, she loved it, even more than ever, perhaps, because now, as an adult, she finally had the perspective to appreciate the value of her own joy…
Fresh Box

How Bad Is It to Have a Drink While on Antibiotics? + MORE

Q: Is it so terrible to have a glass of wine while on antibiotics? With a few antibiotics in particular, it is a pretty big deal. Metronidazole, tinidazole, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole should never be mixed with any amount of alcohol because the combo can cause an unpleasant reaction, which m.... More »

Why Some Women Are Choosing Not to Treat Early Breast Cancer + MORE

Doctors are rethinking the way they treat breast cancer after years of what some say is overtreatment. This TIME video highlights this alternative form of treatment that relies on active surveillance for the earliest type of breast cancer known as ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS..... More »

The Super-Challenging Exercise That Helped Gal Gadot Get in ‘Wonder Woman’ Shape + MORE

[brightcove:5597028796001 default] We’re never getting over our girl crush on Gal Gadot, who reprises her role as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman in this month’s Justice League. One move that got her superstrong: push presses followed by an active rest hold. "It works your triceps, shoul.... More »

The Fitness Machine That Shook Up My Pilates Routine for the Better + MORE

I’m taking an exercise class at Moving Strength, a boutique Pilates studio in New York City, and, well, I’m struggling. My body feels like it’s buzzing with electricity. My triceps are burning, my quads are shaking, and my heart rate is growing quicker. Don’t get me wrong&mda.... More »

This 9-Week Squat Challenge Gave Me a Butt I'm Finally Proud Of + MORE

I’m not your average exerciser. I grew up playing varsity sports (soccer, swimming, more soccer). I played on a nationally ranked rugby team in college. And I now CrossFit six days week. I have shapely arms and a strong core–yet, I hate my tush. (And I hated .... More »

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Sophia Bush Seizes the
4 Bedtime Habits to
Find Your Sweet

4 Calorie-Torching Leg and Butt Exercises + MORE

Beauty and health are wonderful areas to dedicate one’s
life. We have seen the simple addition of hair with Invisablend’s hair
extensions and treatments cause an immediate increase in our client’s confidence
and life enjoyment. We encourage you to do the little things that make you feel
good and give you confidence. It will have a dynamic effect on your quality of

4 Calorie-Torching Leg and Butt Exercises


Get ready to break out those short-shorts! These plyometric moves from Nora Tobin are sure to slim down your legs and butt. Watch this video to learn how to do this high-powered, lower body workout.

Sophia Bush Seizes the Day


Sophia Bush was born an old soul. “I was a tiny adult,” she says of her childhood in Los Angeles (her mom and dad were both in the photography business). “I always wanted to save the world. My parents thought it was sweet and that I’d outgrow it—and I never did!”Now the actress and activist, 33, is saving it in all sorts of ways. This month, she’s back for a third season as crime-solving detective Erin Lindsay on the NBC drama Chicago P.D. Off camera, she works with organizations like Pencils of Promise to help children gain access to education, and I Am That Girl, which builds support networks for girls. And she recently partnered with I Smell Great, a beauty line that creates fragrances aimed at inspiring female confidence and uses new technology that makes her “little nerd-heart get excited.”She is also a longtime believer in the impact that healthy habits can have on your life—not just physically but emotionally, too. Over green tea, she opens up to Health about the morning routine that has had a profound effect on her life and shares how anyone can learn to live in the moment.What is different about you now compared with when you were a kid?I don’t think I just trust every single person anymore. I’m really coming into myself. There’s something about 33. You know, it’s one of those sort of sacred years. Thirty was amazing. And 33 is really only getting better. I feel much more rooted. I’ve learned how to listen to my intuition. My heart still feels open and I’m still madly in love with the world, but I understand very quickly how to read a person’s energy and how to better protect my own.RELATED: 10 Secrets of People Who Age GracefullyHow do you keep your intuition strong?I’ve gotten better at slowing down and sticking to my meditation practice. A lot of us seem to be on the same track: We crush it at work and we crush it with our physical health, but we haven’t been attending to that mind-body connection—and that’s the sweet spot. So I’m getting up at 7:30 a.m., I’m meditating for 20 minutes and then I’m going for a two-mile run. It’s only been a couple of weeks, and I feel so different. And I’m not a morning person! My theme of this year is “narrow and deep.” Less stuff, more depth. You just have to try to actively change your habits for one week: Get up 30 minutes earlier. Download the Headspace app and do a 10-minute meditation every day. It’s great.Your Chicago P.D. character, Erin, is a fan favorite because of how badass she is. Was she always that way?I’m never going to pick a role that is a person who I wouldn’t want to hang out with. I want to hang out with an interesting, layered, multifaceted woman who is unapologetic about her strength and her vulnerability.Are you that type of person in real life?Totally. I mean, I’m gushy. But I jump out of airplanes for fun and like to race cars and own three giant pit bulls. So I’m practicing allowing for my femininity more. One of my friends challenged me: “Let the man who offers to put your bag in the overhead on the plane put your bag in the overhead…

4 Bedtime Habits to Avoid


Trouble falling asleep? Your before-bed habits may be contributing to your insomnia. Here are four sneaky sleep saboteurs that you should avoid around bedtime if you want a good night’s rest.
Fresh Box

This Woman Shared a Photo of the Cellulite on Her Thighs and Butt to Prove Instagram Is Not Reality + MORE

Cellulite is—wait for it—normal. It’s a simple fact that's now gone viral, thanks to 25-year-old Nienke Kampman. The dietitian from the Netherlands says she’s received an overwhelming response from women everywhere since she posted a series of photos on her popular Ins.... More »

How Bad Is It to Have a Drink While on Antibiotics? + MORE

Q: Is it so terrible to have a glass of wine while on antibiotics? With a few antibiotics in particular, it is a pretty big deal. Metronidazole, tinidazole, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole should never be mixed with any amount of alcohol because the combo can cause an unpleasant reaction, which m.... More »

Sarah Michelle Gellar on How She Keeps Herself Motivated Every Day   + MORE

This video is part of Health's My Mantra series. Follow along with new videos on our Instagram page and share your own words of wisdom using #MantraMonday. Sarah Michelle Gellar knows what it means to be motivated. The actress become a household name in the 1990s.... More »

The Ladies of SNL Welcome You 'to Hell' with Anti-Sexual Harassment Music Video + MORE

[brightcove:5614910445001 default]     This article originally appeared on   In the past few months, a slew of powerful men — from Harvey Weinstein to Matt Lauer — have been outed as sexual predators. Though many may be shocked, the ladies of&n.... More »

How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Everything + MORE

Constantly feeling guilty gnaws at your emotional well-being and causes negativity to snowball. “It can make you feel defeated, anxious, or even depressed,” says Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD, professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. And we.... More »

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4 Calorie-Torching Leg and Butt
Sophia Bush Seizes the
4 Bedtime Habits to

4 Calorie-Torching Leg and Butt Exercises + MORE

Beauty and health are wonderful areas to dedicate one’s
life. We have seen the simple addition of hair with Invisablend’s hair
extensions and treatments cause an immediate increase in our client’s confidence
and life enjoyment. We encourage you to do the little things that make you feel
good and give you confidence. It will have a dynamic effect on your quality of

4 Bedtime Habits to Avoid


Trouble falling asleep? Your before-bed habits may be contributing to your insomnia. Here are four sneaky sleep saboteurs that you should avoid around bedtime if you want a good night’s rest.

4 Calorie-Torching Leg and Butt Exercises


Get ready to break out those short-shorts! These plyometric moves from Nora Tobin are sure to slim down your legs and butt. Watch this video to learn how to do this high-powered, lower body workout.
Fresh Box

Lili Reinhart Opened Up About Her Struggle With Body Dysmorphia After Fans Criticized Her Recent 'Harper's Bazaar' Comments + MORE

Body dysmorphia affects people of every shape, age, and size, which is why we’re so glad Riverdale actress Lili Reinhart is speaking out about her experiences with the disorder and taking internet trolls to task. In a recent old Hollywood-inspired video shoot for Harpar’s Bazaar, .... More »

This is How Fast The Average Woman Runs A Mile + MORE

Whether you're a running newbie or an avid pavement pounder, you've likely considered your running pace an important mark of improvement. And if you've ever wondered how your mile time compares to other runners' times, there's now a solid statistic you can cite. Workout tra.... More »

This Inspiring Quadruple Amputee Beauty Blogger Is Taking Instagram by Storm   + MORE

Kaitlyn Dobrow isn’t your average beauty blogger: The aspiring cosmetologist has gone viral for her flawless makeup looks, and she happens to be creating them all with a prosthetic arm. At age 19, Dobrow fell ill with a life-threatening case of bacterial men.... More »

The Most Depressing Time of Year? Suicide Rates Spike in Spring + MORE

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and woodland creatures are literally coming out to play—it’s like a Disney movie out there. But while springtime seems hyper-cheerful, not everyone feels that way. For some people, the season can be especially tough, and sadl.... More »

Experts Answer Your Top 8 Questions About Caring for Dry Winter Skin + MORE

My face is so flaky. What should I do?Blowing your nose a hundred times. Battling arctic winds. Winter conditions can irritate your skin big time and cause flakiness. "We call it 'irritant contact dermatitis,' and anything that aggravates skin can bring it on," says Mona Gohara, MD, associate clinic.... More »

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4 Bedtime Habits to
4 Calorie-Torching Leg and Butt