Steal Ashley Graham’s Killer Upper-Body Workout + MORE

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Google’s New Feature Takes the Stress Out of Booking Fitness Classes


Thanks to the Google's many clever features, we no longer get lost (as often), bungle dates and double-book, or choose mediocre restaurants. And now Google is back at it again, with yet another way to simplify your life: Reserve with Google is a new platform that makes it super easy to discover and book fitness classes.

The site allows you to search your area for upcoming classes, and reserve and pay for a spot instantly. If you're signed into your Google account, some of your info (like your name, email, and phone number) will pre-load to make booking even faster. The service kicked off in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and is now available across the country, thanks to partnerships with booking services you may already know and love, such as Mindbody, Genbook, and MyTime. 

Reserve with Google also makes recommendations to help you discover new ways to get your sweat on, complete with class descriptions, pricing, and reviews—so you know exactly what you're signing up for. And the “Discover more around you” section groups suggestions into categories like “Yoga this evening” and “Pilates before work.” Really want to mix it up? You can choose Google's notorious “I’m feeling lucky" option.

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To help you fit your workouts into your schedule, the service works with Google Maps (so you get a visual of the closest gyms and studios) and Google Calendar (so you can block off precious time).

Whether you're looking to try a new activity, or schedule out a full week of exercise, this platform can help you do so seamlessly. And once you're sufficiently sore, it'll help you search for massage appointments (and other spa services) nearby to help your body bounce back.

These 2 'Microworkouts' Are Super Short and Majorly Effective


Your schedule is jam-packed, and you've lost all hope of making it to the gym. But here's some good news: You can still fit in a serious workout even when you have almost zero time. Really!

Research suggests that a 10-minute sweat session with 1 minute of high-intensity exercise (think sprints, on foot or a stationary bike) can lead to the same benefits—including improved cardiovascular health, increased endurance, and fat percentage loss—as exercising at a moderate pace for 45 minutes.

If you're wondering how that could possibly be, it's all explained in the new book The One-Minute Workout: Science Shows a Way to Get Fit That's Smarter, Faster, Shorter ($27; Author Martin Gibala, PhD, is the chair of the kinesiology department at McMaster University and the pioneering researcher behind ultralow-volume exercise.

"We have this notion that it takes at least an hour to get in a good workout—more if you factor in the time required to get to and from the gym," he writes. "My studies show that idea is nonsense." Below, Gibala shares two routines from his book that deliver maximum results in minimal time.

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The One-Minute Workout

"[T]his protocol can be used by almost anyone who wishes to improve or maintain cardiovascular fitness in the most time-efficient manner science has yet discovered," Gibala writes.

Peak Intensity: 10+

Duration: 10 minutes, with just 1 minute of hard exercise

1. Warm up with some light physical activity for 3 minutes at an easy pace.

2. Blast through a 20-second sprint at an all-out pace.

3. Rest with some light activity at intensity 1 for 2 minutes.

4. Blast through another 20-second sprint.

5. Repeat the cycle until you’ve completed 3 sprints.

6. End with a 2-minute cool-down for a total duration of 10 minutes.

Feel free to customize the sprint activity to any full-body movement that significantly elevates your heart rate.

RELATED: How to Make a Fat-Burning Tea with Ginger, Lemon, and Honey

The Go-To Workout

"If I could only do one type of workout, it would be this one," Gibala says in his book. "It includes some of the best elements of the most time-efficient workouts in this book, including body-weight training for upper- and lower-body strength and active recovery periods that keep the heart rate elevated for cardiovascular training."

Peak Intensity • 10

Duration • 10 minutes

1. As a warm-up, perform 30 seconds of jumping jacks.

2. Alternate bodyweight resistance-training exercises with some type of cardiovascular exercise in repeating 30-second intervals. The bodyweight exercises should be performed hard, at an intensity of 10, such that you “fail” or are unable to perform any additional repetitions at the end of the 30-second period. Reduce the intensity somewhat during the cardio intervals in between, but the pace should remain vigorous, perhaps starting out at an exertion of 5 and progressing to an 8…

Steal Ashley Graham’s Killer Upper-Body Workout


Ashley Graham is definitely about that gym life. And we know this because the 29-year-old model has been posting her sweat sessions on Instagram as of late. Her workout of choice: hitting it hard with Dawin Peña, co-founder and trainer at The DogPound, a boutique training studio in NYC.

Thanks to a recent Instagram story posted by the America’s Next Top Model judge, we happened to get a glimpse into one of Graham's evening exercise routines. Let me tell you, it is a killer upper-body circuit that hit the triceps, biceps, chest, and back. And she finished off with some core work.

The best part: it only took Graham 2 minutes and 48 seconds to get through these moves. (Yep, I timed her). Granted, you have to take into account that she probably rested here and there, and did a few more sets and reps than she let us in on, but even with those considerations, this is still a great workout option for when you are short on time. 

Our suggestion: Cycle through this 11-move circuit 3 times. If you do that, you are looking at about a 10- to 12-minute upper body blaster that you can knock out the next time you are in the gym. Oh, and you also might want to download the playlist Graham was rocking too—Sean Paul’s “Gimme The Light,” Mr. Probz’s “Waves,” Kid Cudi’s “The Pursuit of Happiness,” Eddie Money’s “Take Me Home Tonight” and Future’s “Real Sisters”—because it was kind of fire!

Now get that upper body (and those abs) in shape…because summer is coming!

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Rope Triceps Extension 

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hinge forward slightly and grab each end of the cable ropes; palms face in. Keeping upper arms straight and close to body, pull down using forearms, lowering the rope until arms are fully extended and at either side of legs. Pause and then slowly return back to start. (Graham did 10 reps.)

Overhead Triceps Extension

Stand with back to cable machine, feet staggered, one foot in front of the other, and knees slightly bent; hinge forward. With arms overhead and bent backwards to about 90-degrees, hold cable rope in each hand; palms face in. Keeping elbows close to ears, pull ropes down until arms are fully extended. Pause and then return to start. (Graham did 9 reps.)

Rope Biceps Curl

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, legs bent slightly and end of cable ropes grasped between hands; palms face in. Pull ropes up toward shoulders using forearms; upper arms stay fixed. Lower back down to start, and then repeat. (Graham did 9 reps.)

RELATED: Love Ashley Graham? Here are 9 Other Body-Positive Activists You Should Follow

Seated Cable Row 

Start seated on a bench with legs wider than hip-width apart, feet planted, and arms extended up on a diagonal with ends of cable ropes grasped between hands; palms face in…

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Google’s New Feature Takes the Stress Out of Booking Fitness
These 2 'Microworkouts' Are Super Short and Majorly
Steal Ashley Graham’s Killer Upper-Body

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