Pro Hair Stylists’ Tips – Tips from Top Hair Stylists

Pro Hair Stylists’ Tips – Tips from Top Hair Stylists


Pro Hair Stylists’ Tips – Tips from Top Hair Stylists60 Epic Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for the Best Hair of Your Life
Source: Pro Hair Stylists’ Tips – Tips from Top Hair Stylists
Caution: you’re now entering the secret beauty files, a restricted area where the lips are loose and classified information flows freely.
To share with you the most useful hair tips, tricks, and secrets possible, we contacted the top stylists in our little black book. After separating the wheat from the chaff—or rather, the been-there-done-that from the trying-that-immediately—we present the cream of the crop to you below, organized by care, cut, color, and styling. (Command-F for easy referencing.)

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“Combine Puerto Rican rum with a raw egg. The rum contains honey and molasses, which quickly hydrates dry damaged hair. Be sure to rinse with cold water! Leave on one to two minutes.”—Kerry Joly, hairstylist for ABC
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“Don’t be afraid to do more than one shampoo—sometimes all you need is more water. For people who only wash their hair a few times a week, I recommend doing one quick shampoo first to just loosen up all the build-up in the hair, then go in and really scrub a second time.”—Siobhán Quinlan, stylist at Michael Angelo’s Wonderland Beauty Parlor
“Before rinsing out conditioner in the shower, I recommend using a broad flat paddle brush to gently brush hair from root to tip. Once you’ve detangled, easy brushing can happen; you always want to make sure you are taking every step necessary to prevent damage and ensure you’re properly caring for your hair.”—Danilo, Pantene celebrity stylist
“Try mixing mayonnaise, raw egg, and beer together for severely dry, damaged hair. Mayonnaise will give hair shine, and the raw egg and beer provide protein, which is great for strengthening the hair. The alcohol contains vitamin B, which adds shine.”—Kerry Joly, hairstylist for ABC
“To help hair grow healthier, opt for 3-4 Brazil nuts every day. You will see the difference in your hair within a few weeks.”—David Babaii, partner at Blo Blow Dry Bar
“For an oily, flaky scalp, use 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon, 2 tablespoons distilled water, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.”—Kerry Joly, hairstylist for ABC
“Coconut oil and castor oil are amazing. Both oils promote hair growth and health without weighing hair down—a small amount goes a long way and can be applied any time.”—Wellington Hair Spa
“A quick treatment you can do at home is using an entire egg to condition hair. [Editor’s note: Apparently eggs are what our hair’s been missing all these years?] Use egg whites to treat oily hair; use egg yolks to moisturize dry, brittle hair…

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Pro Hair Stylists’ Tips – Tips from Top Hair

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