The Total-Body Exercise That Keeps Gabrielle Reece in Killer Shape + MORE

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The Total-Body Exercise That Keeps Gabrielle Reece in Killer Shape


Looking at Gabrielle “Gabby” Reece, 46, you might find it hard to believe that the six-foot-three phenom is no longer a pro volleyball player. The way her body moves is still strikingly strong. In fact the only hint of physical aging is the knee replacement surgery she mentioned she had four months earlier. 

That clearly hasn’t stopped her though. And we are pretty sure part of the reason is her commitment to staying fit. “I do a lot of squatting and lunging—those basic, functional movements we as human beings do that help us live our everyday lives, play sports, and get from point A to point B,” says Reece, who created the HIGHX training program. The aesthetics come when your body is moving right, she says, and you're fueling up with the good stuff.

“It’s also about understanding that whatever I am doing, I am working in the right movement patterns,” Reece adds. In other words, make sure you form is on point!

RELATED: Gabrielle Reece on Her Most Embarrassing Moment, Biggest Weakness, and Best Fitness Tip

Another secret to Reece’s fountain-of-youth frame: the clean and jerk. “It is a dynamic, ballistic movement that is fundamental. And if done correctly, it is beautiful,” says Reece of this classic Olympic lift that helps develop total-body power, as well as boost sports performance.

How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with a barbell on the ground in front of you. With weight in heels, squat down and grip the bar so that your hands are just outside of the legs. In one explosive movement, driving through your hips and legs, bring the bar up to your chin. Rotate hands underneath the bar, bend knees, and then catch the bar on the top of your shoulders. Jump legs out into a lunge position and then press the bar overhead, locking out elbows. Step feet back together to come to standing. This is one rep.

Watch Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, winner of the 2014 CrossFit Games, execute the clean and jerk in this video. (Needless to say, she's using a lot more weight than the average person would!)

Gabby’s tip: Use dumbbells to start. “This way, both sides are working independently and you don’t develop imbalances,” she says.

Tone Your Obliques with This Ab Workout 


Tone Your Obliques with This Ab Workout 

Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn

Six-pack dreams are all well and good, but getting a more streamlined midsection shouldn’t stop there. According to Daily Burn 365 trainer Dara Theodore, the obliques are basically the secret sauce to maintaining strength, mobility and stability in your core.

All About Obliques   

“The external and internal obliques facilitate lateral trunk flexion, i.e. side bending, and rotation of the torso. They also stabilize the spine,” Theodore says. The icing on the cake: “Strengthening these muscles contributes to safer movement and better posture,” she says.

RELATED: 5 Oblique Exercises to Sculpt Your Abs

Before you park your butt down for fifty oblique crunches, though, consider this: “The more complex the movement, the more muscles involved,” Theodore says. That’s why this trainer prefers to target the obliques using dynamic movements. “Because the core is made up of more than just the abdominals, including the back muscles and hip complex, it is advantageous to incorporate exercises like these that target more than one core muscle at a time.”

Side of Strength: The Ultimate Oblique Workout   

Ready to try your trunk at Theodore’s favorite oblique workout? Tackle the whole circuit in one go, with little to no rest between moves. Beginners, try it one time through, and as you build strength, advance to two to three rounds. Now show us your strong side!

RELATED: Your 5-Minute Ab Workout Mini Burn

Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn

1. Table Top Torso Rotation
Before you can build strength, you need a stable foundation. For this rotational move, make sure to keep hips square and your stabilizing shoulder directly over your wrist. “Imagine scooping your lower rib cage underneath you in each rotation,” Theodore says. Repeat for 10 reps on each side.

RELATED: Are You Foam Rolling All Wrong? 

Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn

2. Self-Resisted Bicycle
It’s just like riding a bike! Except it’s up to you to make it harder. After the twist, “actively press your hand into your opposite leg and return the resistance equally with that leg,” Theodore says. Meanwhile, stay clued into your posture. “Only extend the other leg as low as you can, while still keeping your lower back pressed to the ground.” Complete 10 reps, then switch legs.

RELATED: The 15 Most Underrated Exercises, According to Trainers

Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn

3. Crab Reach
Feeling crabby? Good! You’ll work the entire posterior chain in this move, while targeting the obliques, too. Pro tip: “Keep feet firmly planted on the ground, allowing rotation to begin with hip drive and generate through the torso all the way to the top of the head,” Theodore says. Do 10 reps per side.

RELATED: 7 No-Crunch Exercises for Six-Pack Abs 

Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn


5 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Lob


Earlier this week, after months of internal debate, I finally worked up the courage to chop off my long hair. Sure, it helped that celeb stylist David Lopez was the one doing the cutting. And since I’d committed to the makeover for a Facebook Live video (check it out below!), there really was no backing out. But still, I’m pretty proud of myself for taking the plunge.

The short style I chose: None other than the “lob” (aka the long bob). You’ve seen the trendy 'do on celebs like Lucy Hale and Chrissy Teigen. And now my favorite body-positive activist, Ashley Graham, has even joined the lob club: The model showed off her hot new look yesterday on Instagram. So it seems safe to say this cute cut won't become passé anytime soon. If you’re thinking about trying out the lob, here are a few tips I learned from Lopez. 

Ask yourself why you want to go short

First things first: It’s important to figure out why you’ve decided to change your look. If you’re going through some major crisis and are chopping your locks as a way to seize control of your life, stop right there! You’ll likely regret it down the road, says Lopez. But if you just want to change things up, by all means, go forth and lob.

RELATED: 4 Times Changing Your Look Can Be a Healthy Choice (And 1 Time It's Not)

Be selective with your stylist

If you're losing inches of hair, it’s more important than ever to work with someone you trust. Lopez says it’s crucial to feel comfortable with the person holding the scissors so you can speak up about exactly what you want. While your stylist is an expert, at the end of the day, it’s your hair, he points out. 

Bring a photo

It's the best way to make sure you and your stylist are on the same page. But explaining why you like the hair in the picture is helpful too, says Lopez. Do you like the texture? The shape? The length? Try to be as specific as possible. Using descriptors is better than simply saying: “Cut my hair like this!”

RELATED: 5 Rules for Loving Your Body from Model Ashley Graham

Pick up some product

Personally, I’m lazy with my hair. When I have time, I’ll blow it out, or create some waves with a flat iron. But as far as product goes, I’m generally at a loss. So when it came to styling this ‘do, I was eager to get Lopez's recs. For a foundation product, he suggests a leave-in conditioner like Kenra Platinum Snail CC Cream ($25; And since the trendiest way to wear a lob is with a lot of texture, he recommends a texturizing spray like Kenra Platinum Dry Texture Spray 6 ($22; or a mousse like Wella Brilliance Leave-In Mousse ($10,

RELATED: The Best Hair Products of 2016, According to Beauty Experts

Keep it simple

One thing I love about my new cut is how little styling it actually requires…

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The Total-Body Exercise That Keeps Gabrielle Reece in Killer
Tone Your Obliques with This Ab Workout
5 Things You Should Know Before Getting a

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