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5 Mental Tricks to Feeling Amazing, Even if You Miss a Few Workouts + MORE

Hair extensions and hair treatments are just one way that Invisiblend Hair Studio helps to increase our client’s quality of life. A hair technician or hair salon specialist is more than just a stylist, they are a friend. A person to vent your week to, express your joy and life achievements, there is more than just beauty when it comes to our hair stylist.We hope the reviews and blogs and posts help your day go smother

5 Mental Tricks to Feeling Amazing, Even if You Miss a Few Workouts

– www.health.com

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Your plan was to relaunch your regular gym and clean eating regimen on January 1. More than a week into the new year, that's mostly fallen by the wayside. Logically, you know that your self-worth doesn't rely on perfect attendance at SoulCycle. So why do so many of us drop into a shame spiral when we skip a few workouts or finish off a sugary treat? 

"We’re in a society that hyper-values fitness and thinness, and we're taught to be ashamed of feeling like we're not to living up to expectation," says Andrew Walen, a psychotherapist specializing in eating disorders and body image and the founder of The Body Image Therapy Center in Washington, D.C. Not sticking to a routine can also make you feel out of control, and that too tends to fuel anxious or depressive thinking, says Walen.

RELATED:  8 Empowering Life Lessons I Wish Every Woman Knew

Maintaining your healthy food and fitness goals is hard work, and sometimes life gets in the way—or the couch and a Stranger Things binge session are calling you hard. Next time you start to feel guilty for what you view as slipping up, try these simple mental tricks, which will banish negative thoughts and empower you with body positivity.

Recite a mantra

Repeating an affirmation, song lyric, or some other catchy and motivational phrase might sound a little silly. But reciting inspiring words keeps you in the moment and gives your brain something to focus on, crowding out self-criticism while the mantra's positive message sinks in, says Walen. 

Next time you start to beat yourself up for ditching the treadmill, repeat your mantra out loud or in your head with intention. We like "I'm more than my body" and "I am beautiful" because these phrases are simple and super upbeat. But anything that resonates with you in a personal way will work just fine.

RELATED: 5 Powerful Mantras to Help You Quiet Anxiety, Beat Self-Doubt, Manage Stress, and More

Banish 'I should' from your brain

Pay attention to key words in your own internal dialogue. "Every time you hear 'I should' or 'I must,' recognize that you're punishing yourself for no reason," says Walen. For example, if you're spending time relaxing on the couch with family and suddenly catch yourself thinking, "I really should put on my gym gear and go for a run," stop right there. Distract yourself with your social feed, a conversation with your partner, anything to get out of that negative head space.

Put on clothes that make you feel awesome

You should never feel bad about your body, but if you do, there's no quicker way to start feeling sexy and attractive than changing into an outfit you know you look good in. "Dress in a way that makes you feel adventurous and flirtatious and desirable," says Walen…

Former Ulta Beauty Employee Accuses Store of Reselling Used Makeup; Company Is Investigating Claims

– health.com

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Ulta Beauty has been accused by a former employee of reselling used makeup that was returned by customers, and the brand’s fans are expressing their outrage on social media while the brand investigates the claims.

The former employee, who goes by Fatinamxo on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, posted a lengthy Twitter thread recounting her experience of what happened behind closed doors while working at the beauty giant.

“So I was a former employee at ULTA and whenever a customer would return a product, we were told by managers to repackage / reseal the item and put it back on the shelf,” Fatina tweeted.

Fatina continued posting on the thread, which has since gone viral, and even shared photographic evidence to back up her account. “For example this foundation ( even sticks) they would clean it with a q-tip to make it look new. I’ll attach a photo of a NEW foundation vs. the one they repackaged and put back on the shelf. ( NOT SANITIZED ),” she said.

Allegedly the managers at Fatina’s store location pressured the employees to comply to this process, and even taught them how to make pre-used makeup look brand new.

“They even taught us how to clean eyeshadow palettes and let it dry over night so it can be repackaged and sold the next day,” Fatina tweeted. “Managers would get pissed if they saw items in the damage bin that looked resell-able.”

RELATED PHOTOS: Celebrity Makeup Artist Hrush Achemyan’s Top Beauty Products for 2018

Fatina said on Twitter that she reached out to the corporate Ulta Beauty offices but was unsatisfied with their answer:. “I contacted corporate and I was surprised to hear her say  ‘Well when it comes to mascaras we definitely want to be hygienic.’ I immediately cut her off and said what about lipsticks ? And foundation ? They are reselling everything that they can clean up and make “new” again,” she wrote..

 After Fatina’s allegations picked up steam, she says, other Ulta Beauty employees from different locations divulged their similar experiences to her.

The former employee’s Twitter thread worried loyal Ulta customers, who tweeted at the beauty giant asking for answers. “@ultabeauty EXPLAIN YOURSELVES,” one customer tweeted.

“@ultabeauty if this is real? This company is disgusting, and law suits are gonna happen! I can’t believe consumers spend there hard earned money for products that were already used!!! That’s sooooooo nasty! I’ll stay away from ULTA for now!” another person tweeted.


The store’s official Twitter handle has been replying to each customer’s complaint on Twitter with the same statement: “The health and safety of our guests is a top priority for Ulta Beauty. We are looking into these claims as the actions described are inconsistent with our practices and values…

What It’s Really Like to Be a Plus-Size Woman at the Gym—and Why Losing Weight Isn’t My Goal

– health.com

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Before the confetti is even swept up and as hangovers are still being nursed, many of us solemnly resolve to do things differently in the new year—which often means spending more time at the gym. Trying anything new is intimidating, but when you walk through the world in a larger body, stepping out of your comfort zone can make you feel especially self-conscious.

That's even more true at the gym, where plus-size people often face self-imposed shame about working out. The reality of gym culture is rarely one of self-acceptance; going to the gym implies a need to change.

RELATED: The 6 Biggest Mistakes Trainers See You Making at the Gym

Over the years, I’ve made what feels like a million promises to myself to get off the couch. When I do finally get in the groove of working up a sweat on a regular basis, it’s always great for me and I get easily addicted. But as I’ve gained weight and gotten older, I’ve found myself in a familiar shame spiral that prevents me from starting something new.

Like so many plus-size women, I convince myself that it somehow makes sense to lose weight and get in shape before I start working out. It’s like cleaning for the housekeeper (which for the record, I do not do). But I know I’m not alone in getting a familiar sinking feeling of entering a new exercise space, then feeling judged, or worse, pitied.

What 'fit-shaming' sounds like

When it first became trendy in New York, I did a lot of Bikram yoga. I fell in love with it. As with most of my obsessive phases, I eventually moved on. Years later—and considerably heavier—I dropped into a class. I hadn’t done any exercise in years and the heat really got to me, so I sat down during a standing pose to catch my breath.

RELATED: The 15 Best Body Positive Moments of 2017

The teacher asked if me if I was okay, but it was clear he was annoyed. At the end of class in front of everyone he said, “If you’re not able to stand for even one full class you should really see a doctor.” Ouch. The irony is that when I had been thinner I also had to sit down—and even left the room when I first started—but no one ever commented that there might be something wrong with me. Needless to say I was mortified and felt too ashamed to return.

During one particularly sedentary phase of my life, I talked to my therapist about how I really needed to start working out again. About a year before, I had done a series of cross-training sessions. Of all the workouts I’ve tried, it was the most effective for losing weight quickly. I told her how I was thinking of going back to it, how I knew I “should.”

She questioned why I ever left. I knew exactly why—I hated it! So she pushed me, asking why I would pay money (so much money) for something I hated and couldn’t sustain the last time in the hopes that I would lose weight…

Fresh Box

ThirdLove Responds to That Inflammatory Victoria's Secret Interview with an Open Letter to the Brand + MORE

ICYMI, Victoria's Secret is in hot water this month following commentary from the brand's chief marketing officer Ed Razek, the creator of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, in his now-infamous interview with Vogue. Not only did Razek objectify women and offend plus-size and t.... More »

Jada Pinkett Smith's Trainer Demonstrates Her Gravity-Defying, At-Home Workout: 'You Don't Need a Gym' + MORE

Jada Pinkett Smith is showing fans that you don’t need a fancy gym membership to get in a decent workout. On Tuesday, the 47-year-old Girls Trip star shared a video of the intense full-body exercise routine, created and demonstrated by her trainer Jeanette Jenkins&nb.... More »

7 Concealers Makeup Artists Swear By + MORE

[brightcove:5480338449001 default] Concealer: the life-changing beauty product that can bring you from Walking Dead status to walk-the-runway-ready in a couple of swipes. And as any woman who has ever tried to cover her dark circles or acne marks knows, concealer comes in so many formulas that it.... More »

I Tried the Maelys Booty Mask That Khloe Kardashian Swears By for a Toned Butt + MORE

I'm no stranger to a booty mask or any product that promises to tone and tighten. Scrubs and creams that claim to smooth, tone, and leave your cheeks with a healthy glow? I've tried them. Brushes and massagers that exfoliate and blast cellulite? Been there. If it’s.... More »

The Surprisingly Easy Trick That Can Help You Use Your Phone a Little Bit Less + MORE

The first thing I do in the mornings is look at my phone. That’s mainly because my phone is my alarm clock, but once my eyes are open and that screen is lit up in my hands, it’s an awfully short trip to checking emails and perusing headlines. There’s no reason for me to be doin.... More »

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5 Mental Tricks to Feeling Amazing, Even if You Miss a Few Workoutswww.health.com
Former Ulta Beauty Employee Accuses Store of Reselling Used Makeup; Company Is Investigating Claimshealth.com
What It’s Really Like to Be a Plus-Size Woman at the Gym—and Why Losing Weight Isn’t My Goalhealth.com

People Who Live to 100 Have These Traits in Common + MORE

Beauty and health are wonderful areas to dedicate one’s life. We have seen the simple addition of hair with Invisablend’s hair extensions and treatments cause an immediate increase in our client’s confidence and life enjoyment. We encourage you to do the little things that make you feel good and give you confidence. It will have a dynamic effect on your quality of life.

I Tried the Viral 7-Step K-Beauty Routine, and It Completely Changed My Skin

– health.com

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Chances are, you've probably heard about the 10-step Korean beauty routine—which sounds excessive, if you ask me. But I was intrigued when I recently heard about a new seven-step method that promises equally gorgeous results in less time. To my surprise, the seven-step method is very different from the 10-step original, which involves using 10 different products: an oil cleanser, foam cleanser, exfoliator, toner, essence, serum, mask, eye cream, face cream, and SPF. Instead, the seven-step version requires just one of those items: toner. I decided to try this new method for myself to learn more.

I first heard about this new method from Glow Recipe, a K-Beauty website that has their own line of natural products and also sells other Korean beauty brands. Their method involves applying the toner seven times and gently patting it in until fully absorbed. The idea is that the multiple layers of toner reach the deepest layers of skin, resulting in a more plumped-up and hydrated appearance. You can use as many (or as few) toners as you want, whether it's seven different products or the same one applied seven times.

There are a few things to take note of before you start: Glow Recipe recommends looking for alcohol-free toners that promise hydration and skipping exfoliating toners that pack acids like AHAs and BHAs. I chose to use only two toners: Whamisa by Glow Recipe Serum Toner Balance and Deeply Hydrate ($22; target.com) as my lightweight version, and Blithe Pressed Serum Gold Apricot for Radiance and Brightening ($49; glowrecipe.com) which is a little heavier with a nice gel texture. Before I tried them on my face, I tested four layers of the Whamisa followed by three layers of the Blithe on my hand. It was a little messy, but the glow it left behind was undeniable.

When I applied a dime-sized amount of the watery Whamisa toner to my face, it absorbed surprisingly quickly. I waited only a few seconds between each layer and did the patting motion, which felt amazing. Next, I moved onto the Blithe product; I scooped out a little bit and did three layers, starting in the middle of my face and spreading outwards. I had expected all that product to sit on my skin, but my face drank it all up within a few minutes.

Above: Before (left) and after (right) applying the toners. Look at that glow!

I continued using this method for a few days and saw a considerable difference. My skin was smoother, plumped-up, and noticeably radiant. I found that it was easy to apply my makeup, too. Interested in trying the seven-step method with more than two toners? Recently, I've also been loving another Blithe toner, Crystal Iceplant Pressed Serum ($49; sephora.com), as well as Erborian Yuza Double Lotion ($36; sephora.com).

I have to be honest: Before this, I rarely used a toner, but I'm definitely going to keep with the routine now…

People Who Live to 100 Have These Traits in Common

– www.health.com

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This article originally appeared on Time.com.

If you’re looking to live to 100, you may want to watch more than your diet. A study of people in remote Italian villages who lived past 90 found that they tended to have certain psychological traits in common, including stubbornness and resilience.

The study, published in International Psychogeriatrics, analyzed the mental and physical health of 29 elderly villagers, ages 90 to 101, from Italy’s Cilento region — an area known for the prevalence of people older than 90. The participants filled out standardized questionnaires and also participated in interviews on topics such as migration, traumatic events and beliefs. Younger family members were also asked their impressions of their older relatives’ personality traits.

The younger adults tended to describe their older relatives as controlling, domineering and stubborn. But the 90- and 100-somethings also displayed qualities of resilience and adaptability to change, the authors wrote. One respondent who recently lost his wife told interviewers, “Thanks to my sons, I am now recovering and feeling much better … I have fought all my life and I am always ready for changes. I think changes bring life and give chances to grow.”

The research demonstrates how adults who live to 90 or 100 have learned to balance these somewhat contradictory traits, says Dr. Dilip Jeste, senior associate dean for the Center of Healthy Aging at the UC San Diego School of Medicine and senior author on the study. “These people have been through depressions, they’ve been through migrations, they’ve lost loved ones,” he says. “In order to flourish, they have to be able to accept and recover from the things they can’t change, but also fight for the things they can.”

The oldest adults had other qualities in common as well, including positivity, a strong work ethic and close bonds with family, religion and the countryside. Most of the older adults in the study were still active, working regularly in their homes and on their land. This gave them a purpose in life, wrote the study authors, even after they reached old age.

The researchers also compared the health of these older residents with 59 of their younger family members, ages 51 to 75. Not surprisingly, the oldest adults had worse physical health than their younger counterparts. But they had better mental well-being, and scored higher on measures of self-confidence and decision-making skills.

Jeste calls this the paradox of aging: Even as physical health deteriorated, mental health quality, at least for the people in the study, remained high. (Volunteers for the study had to sign a consent form and participate in an hour-long interview, he says, which would have ruled out anyone with significant dementia or age-related cognitive decline.) “Things like happiness and satisfaction with life went up, and levels of depression and stress went down,” Jeste says…

10 Exercises for Lean, Toned Legs Like the Rockettes

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There is no better example of #leggoals than the Rockettes—especially when you realize that these ladies perform up to 300 eye-high kicks in every single 90-minute Radio City Christmas Spectacular show. (FYI: They do up to 17 shows per week!). So what does it take to be stage-ready? Well, besides precision, a whole lot of core and leg work.

“It is important for the Rockettes to have a workout highly focused on legs and abs because we are, of course, athletes and have to be able to execute our choreography perfectly every show,” explains Tara Dunleavy, a Radio City Rockette, who has been dancing with the group since 2006. “More importantly, we have to master those eye-high kicks that we are famous for, and what many people don’t realize is that we don’t touch each other’s backs when we are linked up in the kick line. So not only do our legs have to be strong enough to do that many kicks, but our core needs to be working extra hard to be able to maintain our spacing and stay in a straight line.”

Which is why these 10 exercises are key. The dancers do them both during the season and the off-season to maintain their flexibility, endurance, and strength. Try the moves out—you can follow along with the video above—for a stronger, more stable lower body. As for reps? “I like to do things until I feel the muscle burn and tire out,” says Dunleavy, "because then I know it is warming up and changing.” But in general, aim to do 8 to 10 reps for each exercise.

RELATED: 18 Moves to Tone Your Butt, Legs, and Thighs

Butt Kicks

Pro tip: Think of it as jogging, except you are bringing the heels to the butt.

Targets: quads, glutes, and hamstrings

How to do it: Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart and arms at sides. Step right foot forward as you flex left knee, bringing left heel up to touch butt. Lower left leg, stepping forward with left foot and flex right knee, bringing right heel up to touch butt. Continue alternating legs as you move across the floor.

Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

Pro tip: Keep back as flat as possible.

Targets: hamstrings

How to do it: Step forward with right foot, placing heel on floor to flex foot. Straighten knee, hinge at hips and with core tight, swing arms forward and down, starting from behind hips, as you lower torso down as far as possible. Rise back to standing and repeat on left side.

Leg Lunges

Pro Tip: It’s a better way to get one leg warmed up first so you don’t get too fatigued.

Targets: quads and hip flexors

How to Do it: Step forward with right leg, dropping into lunge with both legs at 90 degrees, and bring left arm forward, so that it is also at a 90-degree angle. Push into left foot to rise to standing as you lift left knee and right arm up. Repeat on opposite side.

Knee Hugs

Pro tip: It may be easier to pull underneath the knee because that can protect your kneecap…

Fresh Box

The Exact Skincare Products Victoria Beckham Uses Every Day for Glowing Skin + MORE

She's a fashion and beauty icon, retired member of the Spice Girls, wife to soccer hunk David Beckham, and is known for her serious smirk and stylish lob. What we really want to know, though, is how Victoria Beckham always has such a dewy complexion, wheth.... More »

Sarah Michelle Gellar on How She Keeps Herself Motivated Every Day   + MORE

This video is part of Health's My Mantra series. Follow along with new videos on our Instagram page and share your own words of wisdom using #MantraMonday. Sarah Michelle Gellar knows what it means to be motivated. The actress become a household name in the 1990s.... More »

Does Dry Brushing Really Reduce Cellulite and Help You Look Younger? + MORE

[brightcove:5474328532001 default] There's always a new skin trend popping up rumored to vanish wrinkles, smooth dimples and zap cellulite. But most turn out to be temporary tricks and, more often than not, too good to be true. Cue dry brushing—is it really worth the hype? Dry brush.... More »

7 Concealers Makeup Artists Swear By + MORE

[brightcove:5480338449001 default] Concealer: the life-changing beauty product that can bring you from Walking Dead status to walk-the-runway-ready in a couple of swipes. And as any woman who has ever tried to cover her dark circles or acne marks knows, concealer comes in so many formulas that it.... More »

The On Cloudflow Running Shoes Are so Lightweight, You’ll Think You’re Barefoot + MORE

For the longest time, I assumed that supportive, comfortable running shoes built to withstand long distances and trail runs also had to be a bit clunky, heavy, and more closely resembling dad sneakers than sleek athletic shoes. But the new Cloudflow running shoes from popular Swiss brand On comp.... More »

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I Tried the Viral 7-Step K-Beauty Routine, and It Completely Changed My Skinhealth.com
People Who Live to 100 Have These Traits in Commonwww.health.com
10 Exercises for Lean, Toned Legs Like the Rocketteshealth.com

The Ladies of SNL Welcome You 'to Hell' with Anti-Sexual Harassment Music Video + MORE

When it comes to invsablend reviews there are a lot of
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The 15-Minute Home Workout to Survive the Holidays

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This article originally appeared on DailyBurn.com.

For most, the holiday season means a whole lot of travel, food and to-dos…and little time, space or energy for exercise. But your fitness doesn’t have to take a backseat to a packed seasonal schedule — and this home workout, made up of just five exercises (all from Daily Burn 365), is proof.

The total-body bodyweight routine is low-impact, so you won’t bother others by jumping around. And you don’t need any equipment, either. Plus, you’ll target multiple muscles in each efficient move, working your body from top to bottom along the way. All you need is 15 minutes and a space the size of an exercise mat. Follow along pre- or post-feasting with the fam — or better yet, both.

RELATED: The 7 Best Strength Exercises You’re Not Doing

The Home Workout You Need This Holiday Season

Perform each combination exercise below in order for 40 seconds each. Rest for 20 seconds between each exercise — or skip the breather and keep going if you have the stamina. Repeat the circuit at least twice for three total rounds.

GIF: Daily Burn 365

1. Walk Out to Shoulder Tap

How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart (a). Reach down to touch the ground (try to keep your legs straight) and walk your hands out to a high plank position (b). Tap your left shoulder with your right hand, then your right shoulder with your left hand. Engage your legs, abs and glutes so your hips stay steady (c). Walk your hands back to your feet and stand up (d). Repeat.

RELATED: 5 Planks, 10 Minutes: Your Ultimate Ab Workout

GIF: Daily Burn 365

2. Lunge to Front Pull

How to: Start standing with feet a little wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Bring your arms straight up overhead (a). Lower into a sumo squat as your pull your elbows down and back by your sides (b). Stand back up, bringing arms overhead (c). Next, turn to your right as your bring your arms down to shoulder height and lower into a lunge, both knees bent to 90 degrees (d). Stand back up, bringing arms overhead (e). Repeat the turn and lunge, this time turning to your left side (f). Continue alternating sides with a front pull between each lunge.

GIF: Daily Burn 365

3. Shuffle Side Punch

How to: Start standing with feet a little wider than hip-width apart. Hold your fists at your face like a boxer (a). Shuffle your feet, taking two steps to the left (b). Using your hips to help drive the movement, punch your right arm out to the side, palm facing downward. Then quickly bring your fist back to your face (c). Shuffle to the right two steps (d). Then punch your left arm out to the side, palm facing downward and then quickly bring your fist back to your face (e). Repeat.

RELATED: The Kickboxing Workout That’s All About Abs


The Ladies of SNL Welcome You 'to Hell' with Anti-Sexual Harassment Music Video

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This article originally appeared on People.com.


In the past few months, a slew of powerful men — from Harvey Weinstein to Matt Lauer — have been outed as sexual predators. Though many may be shocked, the ladies of Saturday Night Live are here to tell you that this kind of bad behavior is nothing new.

Set in a Candy Land-like setting, host Saoirse Ronan and castmembers Aidy Bryant, Cecily Strong and Kate McKinnon posed as pop princesses to say “Welcome to Hell.”

“Hey there, boys. We know the last couple months have been frickin’ insane,” said Strong before Bryant chimed in, “All these big, cool, powerful guys are turning out to be — what’s the word —habitual predators?”

The catchy tune let guys in on a “secret that every girl knows” and addressed the harsh realities of navigating the world as a woman. As Bryant pointed out, “This ain’t a girl group. We just travel in a group for safety.”

The ladies also showed how women have been suppressed through history, featuring flashbacks to the Salem witch trials, the suffragette movement and the ’60s sexual revolution.

Leslie Jones then jumped in to remind everyone that “it’s like a million times worse for a woman of color,” to which they all agreed without hesitation.

“Now House of Cards is ruined, and that really sucks,” sang Ronan, referring to allegations against Kevin Spacey that led to the cancellation of his hit Netflix show. “Well here’s a list of stuff that’s ruined for us: parking, and walking, and Uber, and ponytails, and bathrobes, and night time, and drinking, and hotels, and vans.”

RELATED: Everything We Know About the Allegations Against Matt Lauer

SNL wasn’t done with the new wave of sexual harassment allegations. Later, on “Weekend Update,” Colin Jost briefly touched on Lauer, who was fired by the sketch comedy show’s network on Wednesday following sexual misconduct allegations.

“A new survey finds that four out of five Americans believe sexual harassment is happening in the workplace. While one out of five couldn’t respond because their boss’ penis was blocking the keyboard,” joked Jost. “I almost forgot about this week’s batch of predators. It’s just a whole segment of the news now. I’ve just got to announce the names every week like Powerball numbers.”

RELATED VIDEO: Matt Lauer Frequently Pinched Katie Couric’s Butt & Once Told Meredith Vieira to ‘Keep Bending Over’

In the background, Lauer was shown alongside Russell Simmons and Garrison Keillor, both of whom faced their own sexual misconduct allegations over the last several days.

Focusing in on Lauer and his famously contentious relationship with former Today co-host Ann Curry, Jost joked, “On Wednesday, the Rockefeller Christmas tree was lit and so was Ann Curry…

This Mascara Gave Me the Best Lashes of My Life

– health.com

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Even if you're not a big makeup-wearer, chances are you probably have a go-to mascara. Likely, it's one that lengthens, adds volume, and leaves your lashes just the way you like them. While it might be intimidating to switch to something new, I promise you won't regret giving IT Cosmetics Superhero Elastic Stretch Volumizing Mascara ($24; sephora.com or amazon.com) a try. Not in a committed relationship with your current mascara? You have nothing to lose—but the best lashes of your life to gain.

I've tried my fair share of mascaras. As a beauty editor, I'm lucky to have the latest wands, formulas, and colors hit my desk daily, and I swipe until my heart and lashes are content. But even with all the brief flings I have with the newest and hottest products on the scene, it's Superhero that I rely on to never let me down. And I'm not the only one who feels this way: I first heard about this mascara from a former boss of mine, a beauty director who could have her pick of any product on shelves, but chose this one. So who am I to question that?

Three more reasons you won't find me straying too far from Superhero: In my opinion, the brush is everything you could ever want in a mascara. It's just stiff enough, and the bristles are perfectly spaced so they grab even the tiniest lash hairs. I also love that the formula is a nice consistency. It's not too wet or too dry, so you don't have to wait an awkward amount of time before blinking (or sneezing…), but it also doesn't flake. Plus, you can layer it on without looking spidery. Even when I'm testing other formulas, I'll always go back and add one final coat of Superhero—it effortlessly defines each lash and leaves them curled all day.

Not sold yet? Here's a before-and-after of me wearing Superhero on one eye with no mascara on the other.

Need even more proof that this mascara is a game-changer? Influencer Arielle Charnas is also a fan—you probably know her as Something Navy. The blogger recently took to Instagram stories to rave about the product.

If you've watched any of Charnas' other stories, you know that she has her choice of products, too, and yet she's an IT girl.

Fresh Box

Meghan Markle’s Go-To Lash Serum Is On Sale Right Now + MORE

Meghan Markle may officially be a Royal now, but she still keeps her beauty routine relatively low-key. She loves throwing her hair up in messy buns, isn't above doing her own makeup, and sticks to using eyelash serum for longer lashes instead of going the high-maintenance extensions route..... More »

ThirdLove Responds to That Inflammatory Victoria's Secret Interview with an Open Letter to the Brand + MORE

ICYMI, Victoria's Secret is in hot water this month following commentary from the brand's chief marketing officer Ed Razek, the creator of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, in his now-infamous interview with Vogue. Not only did Razek objectify women and offend plus-size and t.... More »

5 Major Hair Care Mistakes Your Stylist Wishes You'd Stop Making + MORE

Here's what two top New York City stylists have to say about your bad hair care habits, and how they're sabotaging the luscious locks you're meant to have. A healthy head of hair can boost your confidence exponentially, but how much confidence do you have in your ability to actua.... More »

Drew Barrymore Just Shared Her Biggest Skincare Problem–and What She Does to Fix It + MORE

Drew Barrymore is known for her beauty expertise, but now, she’s sharing what helps her feel her best. The actress and owner of Flower Beauty posted a mirror selfie on Instagram to talk about one insecurity in particular. “I have really dark circles,” she wrote. “That&rsqu.... More »

7 Concealers Makeup Artists Swear By + MORE

[brightcove:5480338449001 default] Concealer: the life-changing beauty product that can bring you from Walking Dead status to walk-the-runway-ready in a couple of swipes. And as any woman who has ever tried to cover her dark circles or acne marks knows, concealer comes in so many formulas that it.... More »

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This Mascara Gave Me the Best Lashes of My Lifehealth.com

We Tried It: Physiclo Weighted Workout Pants + MORE

When it comes to invsablend reviews there are a lot of
sources. Making sure accurate and relevant information is accessible we have
started a review blog to help inform the public. We hope this beauty review
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We Tried It: Physiclo Weighted Workout Pants

– health.com

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This article originally appeared on People.com.

What It Is: Physiclo Compression Tights with Built-In Resistance

Who Tried It: Stephanie Emma Pfeffer,  PEOPLE Bodies writer

Level of Difficulty: 5/10

I was skeptical when I first heard about Physiclo compression tights and the company’s promise of amping up a workout just by wearing special gear. But it sort of made sense, the idea of built-in resistance making a workout harder and more efficient. And since I’m always trying to squeeze the best workout in the fewest minutes possible (who isn’t?), I ordered a pair and decided to take them for a trial run. Literally.

The first thing I noticed was how difficult they were to get on. I mean, these babies were tight! And at $110 for capris and $125 for full-length tights, I was a little annoyed at feeling like I was being stuffed into a sausage casing. Once they were on, though, things felt better — and each time I wore them they were easier to pull on.

The site says Physiclo’s technology uses elastic bands and panels stretching over different muscle groups to generate resistance. My legs definitely felt heavier wearing them.

To test the company’s claim of an increased heart rate and caloric burn, I did the same routine wearing the Physiclo tights one day and my regular workout pants another day, comparing my Fitbit stats both days.

I ran on the treadmill for 15 minutes at a pace of 6.0 and a barely noticeable 1.0 incline. Even with the added weight, the tights didn’t restrict my movement at all, although I imagined it might be hard to do my usual speed work.

Wearing the Physiclo tights I had an average heart rate of 158 (max 170), and I burned 158 calories. In regular pants my heart rate was 154 (max 164) and I burned 133 calories.

So according to my completely unscientific experiment, wearing the Physiclo pants produced not only a higher heart rate but more of a calorie burn! I was sold.

Over the next few weeks I wore them for some other activities. I jumped rope in them one day.  I wore them to the playground to do body weight exercises while my kids ran around. I tried the leg-day workout on the Physiclo site designed by Olympian Stephen Lambdin.

By this time I was starting to dig them and feel a lot more comfortable. I was able to run 5 miles on the treadmill with no problem achieving my usual speed. (Not sure if my legs were getting stronger or what, but I felt great!)

When I most felt the effects was while doing exercises like squats or the Stair Master. I did 15 minutes at level 10 and really felt it in my thighs and butt.  I felt as sore as if I had done a full hour of barre! I wondered if I would grow an awesome peach booty if I wore these consistently.

After a few weeks of wearing Physiclo sporadically, I noticed that my legs felt stronger, tighter and more toned. Not sure if that was the pants or because I was working out a lot more in general…

Dermstore's Black Friday Sale Is Here! 12 Things You're Going to Want to Buy

– health.com

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Black Friday is here, and Dermstore is offering a rare 30% off discount on select skincare, haircare, makeup, and more beauty essentials with the code FRIDAY. The sale starts at 12:01AM EST on November 24 (that's 9:01PM PST on November 23). There are some brand exclusions, and other brands have a lower discount of 15% or 20% off, but we're excited to see that many of our favorite products are included in the sale. Here, 12 must-buy beauty finds we'll be adding to our shopping carts.

Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peel (regularly $148, now $104; dermstore.com)

Our editorial assistant's "favorite product ever," this formula contains powerful alpha beta acids that work to treat acne, hyperpigmentation, and signs of aging. It's not cheap, but each pack contains 60 peels, so it should last you awhile.

Erno Laszlo Peel-Off Masking Set (regularly $80, now $56; dermstore.com)

This five-pack of Erno Laszlo's most popular sheet masks is already a great deal at $80, an $100 value. But take off an additional 30%, and you'll definitely want to stock up.

Peter Thomas Roth Mask-A-Holic Kit (regularly $74, now $53; dermstore.com)

This kit makes a fantastic present, and we love that it's packaged in a ready-to-gift box. But we also wouldn't blame you if you kept these luxurious masks for yourself; the formulas target just about every skincare concern, from dryness to aging to acne.

Dermalogica Precleanse (regularly $42, now $30; dermstore.com)

In the market for a new facial cleaner? You won't regret investing in this plant-based cleansing oil from Dermalogica, which gently removes makeup and debris for instantly smoother skin.

EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46 (regularly $33, now $26; dermstore.com)

This brand has the A-list stamp of approval: Celebs like Ashley Graham and Mindy Kaling both swear by it. The formula contains hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture and lactic acid to reduce shine.

iS Clinical Active Serum (regularly $135, now $94; dermstore.com)

More than 70 five-star reviews aren't lying: This popular serum helps brighten skin, prevent acne, and fight signs of aging, and it's free of parabens too.

Tarte Cosmetics Tarteist Trove Collector's Set (regularly $48, now $33; dermstore.com)

This set includes Tarte's Amazonian Clay products, including eyeshadow, blush, highlighter, bronzer, mascara, eyeliner, and glossy lip paint. In addition to Amazonian Clay, which helps ensure long-wear coverage, the formulas contain vitamin E to nourish skin. The full value is $386, making this a serious steal.

skyn Iceland Holiday Eye Brightening Duo (regularly $45, now $34; dermstore.com)

A Dermstore exclusive, this two-piece set includes skyn Iceland's Brightening Eye Serum and Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels. Plus, the site is offering a limited-time bonus of the Icelandic Relief Eye Cream, a $16 value, with any skyn Iceland purchase…

4 Signs You Should See Another Doctor for a Second Opinion

– www.health.com

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You leave your doctor’s office with a gnawing doubt. She’s the one with the MD, of course. But something’s not right. Should you get a second opinion? Yes, say experts, and don’t think twice. A fresh perspective can make all the difference for your health. Here, a few good reasons to schedule another appointment.

1. There’s been no mention of a specific diagnosis. Even before your doc IDs your ailment, she should be able to tell you what’s likely going on—or at least the range of possibilities, says Leana Wen, MD, author of When Doctors Don’t Listen ($13; amazon.com). “If she doesn’t, that’s a big red flag,” she says.

2. Your own research doesn’t match up. Once you have a diagnosis—and you’ve Googled the heck out of it—don’t be afraid to question your doc’s conclusion. "Does it really explain how you’re feeling?" says Dr. Wen. Do your symptoms align with the descriptions on reputable health sites? "If not, talk to your doc— and if you still have concerns, see someone else."

3. You’re hearing about only one possible treatment. "In nearly every case, there is more than one treatment option," says Dr. Wen. "And sometimes a viable option is watchful waiting." Your provider should present multiple alternatives, along with their pros and cons, so you can decide what’s best for you.

4. You just don’t trust your doctor. If you don’t think she’s taking you seriously, or if you have any doubts about her competence, find a different expert, says Health medical editor Roshini Rajapaksa, MD. “It’s your body, so follow your instincts,” she says. "It never hurts to get a second opinion."

Fresh Box

The Exact Skincare Products Victoria Beckham Uses Every Day for Glowing Skin + MORE

She's a fashion and beauty icon, retired member of the Spice Girls, wife to soccer hunk David Beckham, and is known for her serious smirk and stylish lob. What we really want to know, though, is how Victoria Beckham always has such a dewy complexion, wheth.... More »

What's Amazon Prime Day? Everything You Need to Know About the Biggest Sale of the Year + MORE

The fourth annual Amazon Prime Day is almost here, and to say we're getting excited would be a huge understatement. Here's everything you need to know about the upcoming sale—and make sure to keep an eye on this page, as we'll continue to update it with the best deals as so.... More »

Model Molly Sims Just Shared a 20-Minute Circuit Workout on Instagram—and Her Abs Look Amazing   + MORE

In a perfect world, you’d have unlimited time every day to work out—with plenty of time left over to shower and sip a smoothie afterward. In reality, you’re lucky if you can even make it to the gym, and even model Molly Sims, 46, knows that struggle.  Her solution? Quick 20.... More »

This Woman Shared Her Cystic Acne Transformation and the Quick Fix That Actually Worked + MORE

If you're tuned into skin-care forums, then you know that the brand Drunk Elephant has a wide stan base. People are loving the fact that the products' ingredient lists are stacked with acids, peptides, vitamins, etc., but free of what the company calls the "Suspicious 6." .... More »

Hot Yoga Is No Better for You Than Regular Yoga, Study Says + MORE

[brightcove:5532322486001 default] There’s something undeniably satisfying about leaving a fitness class dripping in sweat. When it comes to yoga, though, new research suggests there’s little reason to crank up the heat. Bikram yoga has attracted a loyal following due to its steamy cla.... More »

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We Tried It: Physiclo Weighted Workout Pantshealth.com
Dermstore's Black Friday Sale Is Here! 12 Things You're Going to Want to Buyhealth.com
4 Signs You Should See Another Doctor for a Second Opinionwww.health.com

Miss Washington USA Contestant Hopes Her Disability Will Empower Others + MORE

Beauty and health are wonderful areas to dedicate one’s
life. We have seen the simple addition of hair with Invisablend’s hair
extensions and treatments cause an immediate increase in our client’s confidence
and life enjoyment. We encourage you to do the little things that make you feel
good and give you confidence. It will have a dynamic effect on your quality of

The New #LoveOverBias 2018 Winter Olympics Ad Will Move You to Tears

– health.com

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Whip out that pack of tissues. With the 2018 Winter Games less than 100 days away, household products giant Procter and Gamble has just released their latest heartstrings-tugging Olympics video campaign. 

Just as they did in previous years, P&G themed the campaign around the moms of athletes. "Thank You, Mom" is a tearjerker of a tribute, highlighting the love and support of the mothers of the competitors who will be going for the gold in PyeongChang, South Korea in February.

But this year's video series also takes on a hot-button topic: bias. Titled "Love Over Bias," the campaign's first ad features a montage of moms watching their adorable children chase their sports-related dreams, from figure skating to ice hockey. The children all come from diverse backgrounds in terms of race, ethnicity, and disability.

RELATED: We Can't Stop Watching This Insane Human-Powered ‘Fitness Machine’ Video

Like all moms, the mothers in the video want the best for their kids, encouraging and supporting them in a world that doesn't always appreciate diversity. The vignettes focus on real Olympic athletes and their personal stories about struggling to make it in the face of bias and stereotypes.

To go along with the new campaign (more videos have been released on YouTube), P&G has launched the hashtag #LoveOverBias. The aim is to start a conversation about differences and diversity, support competitors, and build anticipation for the Olympics, one of the few worldwide events that brings together people across the globe.

Miss Washington USA Contestant Hopes Her Disability Will Empower Others

– www.health.com

This article originally appeared on People.com.

When Madeline Irwin steps onstage to compete for the Miss Washington USA title, she won’t just be standing up for herself.

The 22-year-old college student was born with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (known as AMC), which is a congenital joint contracture in two or more areas of the body. Irwin, who is unable to fully straighten her arms, hands, fingers and one leg, and has severe scoliosis as a result of AMC, hopes to use her pageant platform to help others.

“I knew I wanted to someday advocate for people with physical disabilities like myself,” the Port Angeles, Washington native tells PEOPLE of her decision to enter her first pageant. “The only issue was that I wasn’t ready for a while because I had a long way to go to accepting and loving myself. So I worked really hard with self reflection and using social media and surrounding myself with people who had morals and values like I do, I finally reached a point where I felt confident enough to share my journey about accepting yourself as you are.”

Irwin – who if she wins her state competition on November 5, will go on to represent Washington in next year’s Miss USA pageant – also wants to be a role model for children.

“The challenges I faced mostly, and what I’m advocating for now, is that there was no representation for someone like me that I could look up to growing up,” she says. “So it was really difficult to know, as someone who is disabled, who I can be and what I can do because I wasn’t able to see that around me.”

She continues: “There is a pretty strong stigma around the word ‘disability,’ a negative stigma. People think of ‘disability’ and they think of someone who needs to be pitied, and so I felt like growing up I didn’t want to be associated with that for a long time, until I could use the word ‘disabled’ to empower myself so that’s what I’m doing now.”

Irwin’s drive also led her to follow her childhood passion for the piano. “I played behind closed doors for a really long time because of my AMC,” says the Washington State University, Vancouver junior.  “I felt like I wasn’t good enough because my hands weren’t able to play like everyone else.”

Now, she’s avid pianist thanks to hard work and an encouraging teacher. “[My piano teacher] would teach me different ways to play if I wasn’t able to do it as it was written, but still make it sound good,” says Irwin. “I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I’m very proud of myself for doing that.”

And she’s taking that positive outlook to the stage. “[Due to AMC], I’m unable to wear heels for the pageant which is a bummer,” says Irwin. “But I found some really cute shoes.”

This New Adidas Video Busts the Stereotypes About Female Athletes Wide Open

– health.com

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There is nothing more inspiring than a badass female athlete. And Adidas’ latest campaign is chockfull of them.

Titled Fearless AF, the just-released one-minute spot dispels tired stereotypes about women in sports, including the idea that female runners are not tough, fast, strong, determined, or competitive enough. As a male announcer’s voice repeatedly lists all the ways women who compete are supposedly subpar, the screen flashes images of female athletes doing their thing and just standing around looking cool and confident.

With its heartbeat-like background drumming, the ad feels like a rallying cry, asking viewers to dig deep and find their inner champion—and be fearless.

RELATED: 15 Running Tips You Need to Know

“Fearless AF means feeling the fear and doing it anyway,” Robin Arzon, a lawyer-turned-ultramarathoner who is featured in the ad, tells Health. It's about "leaning into the knowledge that you’ve survived 100% of your worst days and a community of women is cheering you on,” she adds.

Along with Arzon, the video features five other Adidas athletes and ambassadors—supermodel Karlie Kloss; Katherine Switzer, the first woman to officially run the Boston marathon; Mary Keitany, three-time winner and defending New York City Marathon women’s champion; founder of Girls Run NYC Jessie Zapo; and Jen Rhines, a three-time Olympian. Each represents a defining character trait: boss, fearless, determined, bold, creative, and fierce.

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These six women are running this year’s TSC New York City Marathon on Sunday. (Talk about #squadgoals!) The commercial also pays homage to OG marathoner Switzer, with images of her being attacked mid-race in 1967 by the Boston Marathon race director at the time, as well as shots of race bibs bearing her number falling into the frame.

We dare you to watch this 60 seconds of awesomeness and not be inspired to lace up those kicks and hit the pavement for at least a mile or two.

Fresh Box

Drew Barrymore Just Shared Her Biggest Skincare Problem–and What She Does to Fix It + MORE

Drew Barrymore is known for her beauty expertise, but now, she’s sharing what helps her feel her best. The actress and owner of Flower Beauty posted a mirror selfie on Instagram to talk about one insecurity in particular. “I have really dark circles,” she wrote. “That&rsqu.... More »

Prepping for a Destination Race? Here’s What You Need to Know

Many say that the best way to see a new city is to run through it—I’m a big believer in this concept. From 5Ks on the West Coast to half marathons down South to international marathons (I recently ran 26.2 miles in Tokyo!), traveling for races has given me the opportunity to see the .... More »

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Whitney Way Thore is done with the cruel comments she gets on social media. The star of My Big Fat Fabulous Life enjoys sharing her life with her followers on Instagram and Twitter, but feels like the rude messages she gets invade the “home” she’s created. Thore, 33, said that .... More »

Does Dry Brushing Really Reduce Cellulite and Help You Look Younger? + MORE

[brightcove:5474328532001 default] There's always a new skin trend popping up rumored to vanish wrinkles, smooth dimples and zap cellulite. But most turn out to be temporary tricks and, more often than not, too good to be true. Cue dry brushing—is it really worth the hype? Dry brush.... More »

What's Amazon Prime Day? Everything You Need to Know About the Biggest Sale of the Year + MORE

The fourth annual Amazon Prime Day is almost here, and to say we're getting excited would be a huge understatement. Here's everything you need to know about the upcoming sale—and make sure to keep an eye on this page, as we'll continue to update it with the best deals as so.... More »

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The New #LoveOverBias 2018 Winter Olympics Ad Will Move You to Tearshealth.com
Miss Washington USA Contestant Hopes Her Disability Will Empower Otherswww.health.com
This New Adidas Video Busts the Stereotypes About Female Athletes Wide Openhealth.com

Picking This Seat on a Flight Means You’re Selfish, Psychologists Say + MORE

Beauty and health are wonderful areas to dedicate one’s
life. We have seen the simple addition of hair with Invisablend’s hair
extensions and treatments cause an immediate increase in our client’s confidence
and life enjoyment. We encourage you to do the little things that make you feel
good and give you confidence. It will have a dynamic effect on your quality of

Madewell's Just-Launched Beauty Section Is About to Become as Beloved as Their Jeans: Here's What to Buy!

– health.com

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This article originally appeared on People.com.

Madewell has long been a favorite shopping destination for women looking for great denim, timeless knitwear and cool-girl basics. As if you needed one more excuse to stop in the store, Madewell is expanding into beauty, launching with 40 products available in its Beauty Cabinet at 21 retail stores and online today.

The retailer took the time to curate a selection of tried-and-true beauty products perfect for the low-key woman that still craves a little bit of indulgence in her regimen.

Starting now, you can shop some of your favorite beloved beauty brands like RMS, Herbivore and Karuna at Madewell, but can also become acquainted with some of the smaller indie brands they’re carrying, like French Girl.

“Our ultimate goal is to offer our customers items that inspire and can be a part of their everyday. A beauty assortment was a natural way for us to expand that philosophy into a new category,” Madewell Head Designer Joyce Lee said in a release. “The way the team and I approached the beauty assortment was similar to how we would any other collection — we wanted it to be simple, practical and effortless.”

Celebrate Madewell’s exciting new launch by shopping some of our favorite picks from the brands they’re carrying below!


To buy: RMS Beauty Lip2Cheek, $36; madewell.com

Bon Parfumeur

To buy: Bon Parfumeur Eau de Parfum, $48; madewell.com

French Girl

To buy: French Girl Facial Moisturizer, $24; madewell.com


To buy: Karuna Sheet Mask Karma Kit, $28; madewell.com


To buy: Herbivore Sea Mist Texturizing Salt Spray, $20; madewell.com

Picking This Seat on a Flight Means You’re Selfish, Psychologists Say

– www.health.com

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“Window or aisle?” is the question. The answer could reveal something about your personality.

While some passengers prefer the window — for the views and the relative privacy of a cabin wall to lean against, others prioritize the freedom (again, relative) of the aisle, being able to get up and stretch or head to the lavatory without disturbing any seatmates.

But according to two psychologists interviewed by The Telegraph, there could be more to it: Passengers who prefer the window seat may be more selfish, while those who prefer the aisle may be more reserved.

RELATED: The Best Seat on the Airplane, According to Anthony Bourdain

“Passengers who favor the window seat like to be in control, tend to take an ‘every man for themselves’ attitude towards life, and are often more easily irritable,” Dr. Becky Spelman, chief psychologist at Harley Street’s Private Therapy Clinic, told The Telegraph. “They also like to ‘nest’ and prefer to exist in their own bubble.”

Behavioral psychologist Jo Hemmings agreed.

“Aisle passengers are often more sociable and definitely more amenable as people; they are also more likely to be restless fliers and less adept at sleeping on planes,” Hemmings added.

Of course, seat selection has to do with more than just one factor.

According to a survey by Quartz in 2014, the more people fly, the more they prefer the aisle. Preference for the window also decreased as household income increased.

Overall, however, a majority of fliers prefer the window.

This Cardio Machine Works Your Entire Body (and Will Do Wonders for Your Butt)

– health.com

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Whether you are looking to get a jump on ski season or just want to tone up all over, the SkiErg (think upright rower) is a great addition to any exercise routine. Simple in structure, this machine’s movements are similar to using ski poles along the slopes to gain momentum. The result: improved power, strength, and endurance.

“What makes the SkiErg such a great piece of equipment is that it utilizes the full body, the glutes, hamstrings, lats, triceps, and shoulders,” says Rustin Steward, a Tier 3+ Trainer at Equinox Sports in New York City. (Watch him demo how it works in the video above.) “A lot of the cardio machines, such as the treadmill or elliptical, don’t; they are more lower body specific.” Not to mention the SkiErg—which can be quite aerobically demanding—is powered by you. “The faster you get the flywheel spinning, the more resistance you create, which, in turn, leads to a bigger calorie burn,” he adds.

Another great thing: It can be used in a variety of ways, from warming up (Steward says it’s a great way to fire up the lats prior to back exercises) to all-out cardio. You can even add in jumps at the top or lateral hops with each pull to help build explosiveness. And let’s not forget it is also a functional movement, mimicking the everyday action of bending down and picking things up.

Unfortunately, many folks are missing out on this versatile calorie crusher because they just aren’t familiar with it, despite the fact that the SkiErg has been hanging around gym floors since 2009. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. With these tips from Steward, you can master the SkiErg—and build a banging body in the process.

RELATED: The High-Intensity Cardio Workout You Can Do In Your Living Room

How to use it

Stand tall, facing SkiErg with feet hip-width apart, arms extended up, and hands gripping handles; palms face in (A). Hinging at hips, with a slight bend in knees, brace core, push through glutes, and pull handles down; keep arms straight (B). Continue pulling handles down in a fluid motion until arms swing back past thighs (C). As you rise back to standing, activate glutes, pushing hips forward to full extension, and return arms back up to start.

Avoid these 4 commons mistakes

1. Squatting: “Remember it’s a hip hinge, like a deadlift movement, not a squat,” he says.

2. Dropping the chest: Yes, you want tour torso on a slight angle, but you don’t want to be fully horizontal and parallel to the floor. “Not only can it cause harm to your lower back,” notes Steward, “but it takes the glutes out of the exercise.” And that means you aren’t exactly beefing up that booty.

3. Cutting the stroke short: “The longer the stroke, the faster the meters will climb, so don’t shortchange yourself at the top,” he says…

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We Tried It: Physiclo Weighted Workout Pants + MORE

[brightcove:5523715639001 default] This article originally appeared on People.com. What It Is: Physiclo Compression Tights with Built-In Resistance Who Tried It: Stephanie Emma Pfeffer,  PEOPLE Bodies writer Level of Difficulty: 5/10 I was skeptical when I first heard about Physiclo compre.... More »

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What It Means If You Hear Laurel vs. Yanny, According to a Neuroscientist + MORE

Laurel versus Yanny is dividing the nation. It seems like we had barely settled down from the blue and black (or white and gold?) dress debacle, when YouTube star Cloe Feldman decided to publish a four-second video originally posted on Reddit by user RolandCamry. Within a coupl.... More »

This Woman's Review of an Eyeliner That Lasted Through a Car Crash is Going Viral—Oh, and She's Fine! + MORE

Beauty enthusiasts have long touted the staying power of cult fave Kat Von D Beauty Tattoo Liner, but a recent viral tweet of a Sephora review has solidified this liner in the hallowed halls of beauty legend. All of Kat Von D’s products are beyond fantastic — who else would think t.... More »

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Madewell's Just-Launched Beauty Section Is About to Become as Beloved as Their Jeans: Here's What to Buy!health.com
Picking This Seat on a Flight Means You’re Selfish, Psychologists Saywww.health.com
This Cardio Machine Works Your Entire Body (and Will Do Wonders for Your Butt)health.com

5 of the Filthiest Places to Avoid on Airplanes + MORE

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technician or hair salon specialist is more than just a stylist, they are a
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5 of the Filthiest Places to Avoid on Airplanes

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This article originally appeared on Time.com.

When it comes to flying, nothing about a close proximity to strangers and bathrooms for hours on end feels particularly clean. And while you may not be able to make the flight shorter or the seats bigger, you can make your experience more sanitary by avoiding some of the dirtiest places on airplanes.

It’s worth noting that some people may be more susceptible to getting sick on planes because the cabin air humidity is under 20%, whereas home humidity is generally over 30%, according to the World Health Organization. The dry air exposure affects mucus, the immune system’s front line of defense, leaving people marginally more vulnerable to getting sick. A 2004 study in the Journal of Environmental Health Research found that people are far more likely — 113 times more, by one of the study’s measures — to catch the common cold during a flight than normal ground transmission.

Humidity aside, there are a handful of especially dirty spots, according to research and advisories from travel physicians. Here’s how to avoid them.

Airplane tray tables

The potentially grimiest place on an airplane unfolds right into your lap.

Alarmingly, a 2015 study by TravelMath that tested samples from hard surfaces in planes found that tray table surfaces had more than eight times the amount of bacteria per square inch than the lavatory flush buttons. The trays had 2,155 colony forming units of bacteria per square inch—compared to the 127 cfu/sq. in., which is what the National Science Foundation says is standard for a toilet seat at home.

Dr. Charles Gerba, microbiologist at the University of Arizona, tells TIME that the trays he’s tested through research have had cold viruses, human parainfluenza viruses, norovirus (which can cause diarrhea and vomiting) and the superbug MRSA, which causes skin infections.

The high amount of bacteria is likely linked to plane cleaning crews not having enough time between flights to wipe down the tray tables, the Wall Street Journal reports. And when they do get clean, those airlines may be using general cleaners instead of disinfectants.

In the meantime, to avoid eating dinner off a tray that someone piled used tissues or changed a baby’s diaper on just hours earlier, wipe it down with a sanitizing wipe, Dr. Michael Zimring, director of travel medicine at Baltimore’s Mercy Medical Center, tells TIME. But if you don’t feel like even touching the table (Gerba does, but Zimring says he doesn’t bother), avoid eating food directly off the surface.

“My food will stay on a paper plate or wrapper,” adds Zimring.

Air vents and seatbelt buckles

Two plane features with frequent usage (that may not receive a regular cleaning) also make the list.

The air vents above each seat are great for circulating ventilated air to each passenger, but the TravelMath testing found 285 CFU/sq…

Want to Look Younger? Your Eyebrows May Be the Key, Study Says

– health.com

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This article originally appeared on Time.com.

Maybe there’s some science behind the dramatic eyebrow trend after all.

A new study finds that facial features, like lips and eyebrows, tend to stand out less as people get older. Because of that, the authors say, people perceive faces with more contrast as younger.

In the study, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, researchers analyzed photographs of 763 makeup-free women with various skin tones between ages 20 and 80. A computer program analyzed the photos for facial contrast: a measure of how much the eyes, lips and eyebrows stand out due to differences in color, lightness or darkness with the surrounding skin.

Younger women had more facial contrast, and older women had less. Contrast especially decreased in areas around the mouth and eyebrows as women got older.

Next, the researchers Photoshopped some of the pictures, creating two nearly identical versions of each face with varying levels of contrast. They showed these photographs to volunteers and asked them to choose the younger-looking face. Almost 80% of the time, people said the high-contrast face appeared younger than the low-contrast one.

The findings were similar across a variety of ethnicities, suggesting that facial contrast—like wrinkles and changes in skin pigmentation—is truly a “cross-cultural cue” for perceiving how old a person is, the authors wrote in their paper.

MORE: Why You Should Let Someone Else Choose Your Tinder Photo

Anyone who’s ever filtered a selfie on Instagram won’t be surprised by this effect of contrast. But the findings may also help explain why people often use makeup to look younger.

The study didn’t involve makeup, so the authors say for sure that darkening features cosmetically would have the same anti-aging results as demonstrated in the study. “But the way we manipulated features in the photos was very similar to what you’d do with makeup, and I would be surprised if you couldn’t get similar effects,” says co-author Richard Russell, associate professor of psychology at Gettysburg College. “We know that lips get less red with age and eyebrows get lighter, for instance, and those are both things that you could address with makeup, if you wanted.”

The biggest surprise of all was the power of the brow. For women of all ethnicities, brow color faded with age—so darkening them may really make people look younger, the researchers say.

Though the study was only done in women, the findings likely apply to men, too. Other research suggests that the decline of facial contrast with age is not just true of women, but also true of men.

Why You Probably Shouldn't Worry About Exercising Yourself to Death

– health.com

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This article originally appeared on Time.com.

Is there such a thing as too much exercise?

A new study, published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, suggests that there is. Fitness diehards may have a higher-than-average risk of coronary artery calcification (CAC): a buildup of calcium in the artery walls of the heart that makes arteries less flexible and is often a harbinger of heart disease. But the vast majority of people, experts say, don’t need to worry about overdoing it.

A team of researchers, led by scientists from the University of Illinois and Kaiser Permanente, tracked the exercise habits of more than 3,000 people over 25 years. People were split into three groups based on whether they met the national physical activity guidelines (which call for 150 minutes of exercise per week), failed to reach them or exceeded them.

Surprisingly, compared to people who exercised moderately, those who hit the gym for longer than 7.5 hours per week—three times more than guidelines call for—had a 27% higher risk of developing CAC by middle age. White men in that category were particularly at risk; they had an 86% higher chance of CAC. About 40% of people who exercised the most developed any amount of calcification after 25 years.

The results may seem like a reason to eschew your evening workout. But exercise is generally good—not bad—for the heart, and people typically need more of it—not less.

“This [study] doesn’t apply to 99% of people,” says Dr. Deepak Bhatt, executive director of interventional cardiovascular services at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “Most people are not getting into this range of exercise. The problem in the U.S. is the exact opposite, that most people are getting nowhere near the recommended amount of exercise.”

Even if hardcore exercisers do have more calcium buildup, it’s still not clear if that’s damaging the heart, says Dr. Aaron Baggish, director of the cardiovascular performance program at Massachusetts General Hospital. While the results are intriguing, the study doesn’t actually show that people with a heightened risk of CAC went on to have heart attacks or other health problems, Baggish says, and that means it’s too soon to say whether extreme exercise is actually causing heart issues.

While doctors know that calcium buildup in the hearts of sedentary people is a bad sign, Baggish says it’s not clear whether that’s true of very active people, too. The body deploys calcium to repair injuries and inflammation, so marathon runners, endurance athletes and other regular exercisers may accumulate calcium as the body recovers from stress, he says—but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s causing problems.

“Think about arthritis in your knee,” Baggish says. “If you are active, fit and healthy, you are much more likely to have good knee function later in life than if you sit around and you’re overweight and unhealthy…

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The On Cloudflow Running Shoes Are so Lightweight, You’ll Think You’re Barefoot + MORE

For the longest time, I assumed that supportive, comfortable running shoes built to withstand long distances and trail runs also had to be a bit clunky, heavy, and more closely resembling dad sneakers than sleek athletic shoes. But the new Cloudflow running shoes from popular Swiss brand On comp.... More »

Miss Washington USA Contestant Hopes Her Disability Will Empower Others + MORE

This article originally appeared on People.com. When Madeline Irwin steps onstage to compete for the Miss Washington USA title, she won’t just be standing up for herself. The 22-year-old college student was born with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (known as AMC), which is a congenit.... More »

The Surprising Secrets to Living Longer—And Better + MORE

[brightcove:5596869363001 default] Old age demands to be taken very seriously–and it usually gets its way. It’s hard to be cavalier about a time of life defined by loss of vigor, increasing frailty, rising disease risk and falling cognitive faculties. Then there’s the unavoidable .... More »

Is Your Doctor Gaslighting You? Here's What to Do + MORE

Four years ago, Deborah J. Cohan went to her primary-care doctor with excruciating pain throughout her midsection. “I wasn't able to stand up straight. Eating and going to the bathroom were uncomfortable,” Cohan, who lives in South Carolina, tells Health. She had a hunch it was .... More »

This Woman Felt 'Electric Shocks' in Her Legs. It Turned Out She Had a Parasite in Her Spine + MORE

A 35-year-old French woman went to the emergency room after feeling "electric shocks" in her legs. For months, she had been experiencing worsening symptoms, which made it difficult to ride her horse and had caused repeated falls. But at the hospital, she got an answer she probably w.... More »

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5 of the Filthiest Places to Avoid on Airplaneswww.health.com
Want to Look Younger? Your Eyebrows May Be the Key, Study Sayshealth.com
Why You Probably Shouldn't Worry About Exercising Yourself to Deathhealth.com

Ashley Graham Just Explained All the Reasons Why She Exercises (None of Them Have to Do with Weight Loss) + MORE

Hair extensions and hair treatments are just one way that
Invisiblend Hair Studio helps to increase our client’s quality of life. A hair
technician or hair salon specialist is more than just a stylist, they are a
friend. A person to vent your week to, express your joy and life achievements, there
is more than just beauty when it comes to our hair stylist.

Ashley Graham Just Explained All the Reasons Why She Exercises (None of Them Have to Do with Weight Loss)

– health.com

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If you follow Ashley Graham on social media, you're no stranger to the supermodel's fit-stagrams. Graham constantly posts inspiring videos of her workouts at go-to gym The Dogpound, where she does everything from boxing to strength training.

But some of Graham's followers, or should we say trolls, are constantly hating on her exercise game. On Sunday, the body-positive activist took to Instagram to share a little known secret about her workout posts. 

"EVERYTIME [sic] after I post a workout video I get get [sic] comments like..'You'll never be skinny so stop trying,' 'Don't workout too hard, you'll get skinny,' 'You still need your fat to be a model,' 'Why would you want to loose what made you famous,'" Graham wrote in her post.

In typical Graham fashion, she shut down the haters by explaining her reasons for hitting the gym so hard. None of them have to do with losing weight; instead, "feel good," "get rid of jet lag," and "clear my head" made Graham's list. And the model knows what she's talking about, because research backs up these and other health benefits of exercise.

RELATED: Ashley Graham Shares a Bikini Hack That Will Save You From Dreaded ‘Halter Ache’

To her point about feeling good: a sweat session can boost levels of the hormones endorphins, plus reduce stress and anxiety. A 2014 study also found that hitting the gym can improve memory, since aerobic exercise was linked to an increased hippocampus, the area of the brain that controls memory function. Regular exercise keeps your heart healthy, and as Graham noted, makes your body flexible, which can improve blood circulation. 

While it's totally fine to hit the treadmill or weight rack to slim down, if weight loss isn't your objective, you're hardly alone—you have one of the world's most famous models in your corner.

Hugh Hefner Had a Drug-Resistant E. Coli Infection. Here’s What You Should Know

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Hugh Hefner’s cause of death has been listed as cardiac arrest (which also killed Tom Petty just days later) and respiratory failure. But the week before he died on Sept. 27 at age 91, Hefner had an E. coli infection as well as septicemia, or bacteria in the blood, according to his death certificate, PEOPLE reported.

E. coli, or Escherichia coli, bacteria live in our intestines normally, but certain strains can make us sick. Some cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and other illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What makes Hefner's E. coli alarming, however, is that his death certificate listed it as resistant to antibiotics. Drug-resistant E. coli is particularly troubling because public health officials are running out of ways to treat such infections. “There are some infections that we see that are so resistant to antibiotics, we wouldn’t predict that any antibiotic would be able to work,” says Pritish K. Tosh, MD, a Mayo Clinic infectious disease physician and researcher.

Most people with an E. coli infection in the gut, which would cause diarrhea, get better after a few days of rest and extra fluids to prevent dehydration. But more serious E. coli infections may require antibiotics and could be life-threatening, says Dr. Tosh, especially if first-line antibiotics are not effective. (Dr. Tosh did not treat Hefner.) When E. Coli doesn’t respond to treatment, doctors might use older antibiotics, but those can be less effective and more toxic, he says.

RELATED: 5 Ways to Tell if You Need an Antibiotic

Think of antibiotic resistance as a survival mechanism for bacteria, Dr. Tosh explains. Bacteria developed resistance over time to drugs designed to kill them off so they could keep multiplying. But humans may be making it easier for these so-called superbugs to thrive—in part by taking more antibiotics than we need and not using them as recommended by doctors. “The more antibiotics we use, the more pressure there is on bacteria to survive,” he says. “If we aren’t taking conscious steps, we will find ourselves back in the pre-antibiotic era."

Thankfully, cases of antibiotic-resistant E. coli infections are rare, says Dr. Tosh. The bacteria, which are usually spread through contaminated food, water, or from person to person, first set up shop in the gut. In most healthy people, good gut bacteria keep the bad ones in check. But if you’re already sick or your immune system is compromised, taking antibiotics will reduce your levels of healthy gut bacteria and give drug-resistant bacteria a greater chance of surviving, thriving, and triggering serious illness, he explains.

The cause of Hefner’s E. coli infection was listed on his death certificate as unknown, according to PEOPLE. He also had septicemia, or bacteria in his blood…

Jennifer Garner Shares Her Workout for 'Turning a Mom Back into Action Lady'—and It's Intense!

– health.com

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Jennifer Garner has the formula, but she forgot one obvious ingredient: hard work!

The 45-year-old actress shared a video to Instagram documenting her extreme workout routine, which she dubbed the “Recipe for Turning A Mom Back into Action Lady.”

The remedy called for an hour workout with Body by Simone, 90 minutes of “stunt team,” 50 cups of coffee and three minutes of cryotherapy every day. For her pump-up playlist, Garner set the footage to “Canned Heat” by Jamiroquai.

“Good luck everybody!” she wished her followers.

Garner did not specify why she was kicking her fitness up a notch, but perhaps it’s for a starring role in the action film Peppermint, which Deadline describes as “John Wick, with a female protagonist.”

And all this focus on fitness comes on top of being a mom. Garner has three kids — Violet, 11, Seraphina, 8 and Samuel, 5 — with Ben Affleck. The duo broke off their 10-year marriage in June of 2015 and officially filed for divorce in April.

The actress recently posted a sleepy, makeup-free selfie from the inside of a tent, announcing that she was in the midst of a “Yes Day” — a family tradition in which the parents indulge all their kids wishes (within reason). This is the fifth year Garner has celebrated the unofficial holiday.

“You’ll never need coffee more than the day after ‘Yes Day!’ ” she captioned on Instagram. Along with a series of hashtags explaining that she and the kids had slept in a tent in the backyard. She added that “coffee” is her “Yes Day.”

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ThirdLove Responds to That Inflammatory Victoria's Secret Interview with an Open Letter to the Brand + MORE

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This 9-Week Squat Challenge Gave Me a Butt I'm Finally Proud Of + MORE

I’m not your average exerciser. I grew up playing varsity sports (soccer, swimming, more soccer). I played on a nationally ranked rugby team in college. And I now CrossFit six days week. I have shapely arms and a strong core–yet, I hate my tush. (And I hated .... More »

This Woman Felt 'Electric Shocks' in Her Legs. It Turned Out She Had a Parasite in Her Spine + MORE

A 35-year-old French woman went to the emergency room after feeling "electric shocks" in her legs. For months, she had been experiencing worsening symptoms, which made it difficult to ride her horse and had caused repeated falls. But at the hospital, she got an answer she probably w.... More »

The Super-Challenging Exercise That Helped Gal Gadot Get in ‘Wonder Woman’ Shape + MORE

[brightcove:5597028796001 default] We’re never getting over our girl crush on Gal Gadot, who reprises her role as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman in this month’s Justice League. One move that got her superstrong: push presses followed by an active rest hold. "It works your triceps, shoul.... More »

Meghan Markle’s Go-To Lash Serum Is On Sale Right Now + MORE

Meghan Markle may officially be a Royal now, but she still keeps her beauty routine relatively low-key. She loves throwing her hair up in messy buns, isn't above doing her own makeup, and sticks to using eyelash serum for longer lashes instead of going the high-maintenance extensions route..... More »

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Ashley Graham Just Explained All the Reasons Why She Exercises (None of Them Have to Do with Weight Loss)health.com
Hugh Hefner Had a Drug-Resistant E. Coli Infection. Here’s What You Should Knowwww.health.com
Jennifer Garner Shares Her Workout for 'Turning a Mom Back into Action Lady'—and It's Intense!health.com

The Upper-Body Workout That Gives J.Lo Her Strong, Toned Arms + MORE

Beauty and health are wonderful areas to dedicate one’s life. We have seen the simple addition of hair with Invisablend’s hair extensions and treatments cause an immediate increase in our client’s confidence and life enjoyment. We encourage you to do the little things that make you feel good and give you confidence. It will have a dynamic effect on your quality of life.

The Upper-Body Workout That Gives J.Lo Her Strong, Toned Arms

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When J.Lo gives us a peek into her workout routine, we pay attention. The famously fit star (can you believe she's 48?) always looks incredible, whether she's slaying the red carpet or fighting corruption as police officer Harlee Santos in her show Shades of Blue.

Although genetics surely play a role in Lopez's insanely toned physique, it's no secret that she's seriously dedicated to her fitness—the A-lister often works out with Tracy Anderson and has even been spotted hitting the gym with The Rock. Yesterday, we got a glimpse into how Lopez gets her super-toned arms when she shared her upper-body workout with followers in a video on Instagram.

RELATED: 5 Booty-Boosting Exercises From J.Lo's Trainer

In the snaps (which she captioned "Gettin' it in!!"), Lopez proves she's a resistance band master by demonstrating a series of intense bicep curls. Celebrity trainer David Kirsch, who works with Lopez, tells Health that the move is called the bent over resistance row with curl. "I love to keep workouts with Jennifer high energy and high intensity, making sure the full-body workouts are fresh and always changing," he says.

If you often use free weights on arm day, resistance bands are a great way to change things up; by forcing you to literally resist your own body weight, these stretchy plastic bands will take any workout to the next level.

"I like using resistance bands because these workouts are something my clients can easily do with no time at the gym, and they are so transportable," Kirsch says. 

In addition to strengthening the upper body, Kirsch tells us that this move also helps tighten and tone the quads, glutes, and core. The tool J.Lo is using is mounted to a wall, but you can modify the move with a loose resistance band by stepping on it in the center and pulling the ends towards your chest.

How Long Will the Total Solar Eclipse Last?

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This article originally appeared on Time.com. 

The upcoming total solar eclipse, which you can watch live on TIME.combeginning at 12 p.m. ET on Monday, will cross the U.S. in less than two hours, and Americans in some states will only witness seconds of it.

The once-in-a-lifetime event on Aug. 21 will engulf parts of 14 states in sudden darkness when it moves from the West Coast diagonally down toward the East Coast. The path of totality, which starts in Oregon and ends in South Carolina, is about 70 miles wide.

It’s the first total solar eclipse with a trajectory exclusive to America, as well as the first total eclipse of the sun that will be visible from the contiguous U.S. since 1979. Total solar eclipses can be seen when the moon passes directly between the sun and the Earth and the moon completely covers the entire face of the sun.

Watch Live as the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Crosses the U.S.

Here’s what to know about the timeframe of the August total solar eclipse:

How long is the upcoming total solar eclipse?

The total solar eclipse, which has been dubbed “The Great American Eclipse,” will last for about an hour and a half overall, but each city that catches the eclipse will only see it for a matter of minutes or seconds. The moon's shadow travels at roughly 2,400 mph over the face of the Earth, according to Bill Kramer, a well-known expert in the eclipse chasing community.

Which cities are the first and last to see the eclipse in totality?

Skygazers in Lincoln Beach, Ore. will witness the rare event first. A partial eclipse begins there at 9:05 a.m. PST and totality starts at 10:16 a.m. The eclipse then makes its way through Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia, clipping several other states on the way. It ends near Charleston, S.C. at 2:48 p.m. EDT, just about an hour and a half after it began.

Which city will see the eclipse for the longest?

NASA says the longest duration of totality will be near Carbondale, Ill., where the sun will be completely covered for two minutes and 40 seconds. Some places, like Kansas City, Kans.— which is at the edge of totality — will only witness totality for about 20 seconds. The total solar eclipse will be visible in a hard-to-reach part of Montana for less than a minute. Here's where you can see what the eclipse will look like for you.

This Viral Video Shows the Most Bizarre-Looking Leg Cramp We've Ever Seen

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A video of what is quite possibly the most painful-looking leg cramp ever has gone viral. The 50-second clip, posted Monday by Angel Bermudez on Facebook, has racked up 16 million views and more than 177,000 shares.

"After the workout. Start to relax and then this happens. Painful yes it was," Bermudez wrote in the caption. The footage shows the muscles of his calf contracting and squirming, almost as if something were inside his leg, right under the skin.

Take a look, if you dare. (Warning: There's some NSFW language in the caption.)

RELATED: Here’s How You Can Use a Lacrosse Ball to Release Your Calves

"This is what a cramp looks like," you can hear Bermudez saying between grunts and groans, clearly in significant discomfort.

Plenty of commenters said they found the alien-like motion of Bermudez's cramp flat-out disturbing. But others had clearly been through similar pain, and were quick to offer advice: stand up and walk, stretch, eat a banana, drink more water.

Although we don't usually recommend following health advice from strangers on Facebook, in this instance, they're on to something. Those solutions might actually help.

Leg cramps are sudden and involuntary muscle contractions, and—even though they can hurt like heck—they're usually harmless. Leg cramps are thought to be caused by some kind of irritation or activation of nerves that tell the muscles to contract, and stay that way.

The irritation can be brought on by a range of things, from dehydration to a mineral deficiency, or even pregnancy. Ramping up your workout intensity too quickly, or over-training tired muscles can also lead to cramping. (For more on the possible triggers, check out "13 Causes of Leg Cramps—And How to Stop Them.")

To eat clean (and save money!) this fall, sign up for our 21-Day Healthy Lunch Challenge

You can usually cure a cramp (especially one that comes up quickly after a workout) by hydrating with water, replacing electrolytes and minerals lost through sweat, and gentle stretching. But check with a doctor if you have frequent leg cramps that don't seem to be related to physical activity or your diet. Some underlying health conditions, like peripheral arterial disease and multiple sclerosis, can also cause leg cramps.

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This Is the Legging Trend You'll Be Seeing Everywhere in 2019 + MORE

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Shop Sarah Jessica Parker's Favorite Eye Liner: 'I Always Have It' + MORE

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This Woman’s Powerful Message About Crying in the Shower Is Going Viral + MORE

Ever find yourself having a good cry in the shower—partly because it's the only place you feel free enough to let go your feelings? Brittany Latham knows what that's like. This 30-year-old photographer from Mobile, Alabama, decided to share an image of a woman crying in the s.... More »

Margot Robbie Debuted Spring’s Hottest Haircut at the 2018 Oscars + MORE

Margot Robbie’s lob is now a bob. The Academy Award-nominated actress debuted one of her most dramatic hair changes yet on the 2018 Oscars red carpet, and it also happens to be a testament to how much a trim can truly transform your entire hairstyle. Up until yesterday, the Robbie was wearin.... More »

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The Upper-Body Workout That Gives J.Lo Her Strong, Toned Armshealth.com
How Long Will the Total Solar Eclipse Last?www.health.com
This Viral Video Shows the Most Bizarre-Looking Leg Cramp We've Ever Seenhealth.com

8 Arm Exercises You Haven’t Done Before + MORE

Hair extensions and hair treatments are just one way that Invisiblend Hair Studio helps to increase our client’s quality of life. A hair technician or hair salon specialist is more than just a stylist, they are a friend. A person to vent your week to, express your joy and life achievements, there is more than just beauty when it comes to our hair stylist.We hope the reviews and blogs and posts help your day go smother

U.S. Scientists Use CRISPR to Fix Genetic Disease in Human Embryos For the First Time

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This article originally appeared on Time.com.

Scientists have successfully used CRISPR, a tool that cuts DNA with more precision than any other genome editing technology, to fix a genetic defect in human embryos that can cause serious heart problems, according to a landmark new study in the journal Nature. This is the first use of CRISPR on human embryos in the U.S.

Chinese scientists have reported using CRISPR to correct genetic defects in human embryos, but some of the embryos they used weren’t viable.

Shoukhrat Mitalipov, from Oregon Health & Science University, collaborated with researchers at the Salk Institute, as well as with scientists from China and South Korea, to improve on those results. They applied CRISPR at the earliest stage possible—when the embryo is still a single cell—to ensure that the genetic changes they introduced were propagated to every cell of the embryo as it divided and developed. Because the embryos were created for research purposes only, none were allowed to develop beyond three days.

MORE: First CRISPR Human Trial Approved in the U.S.

CRISPR, which was introduced in 2012, precisely cuts DNA but does not repair it. If combined with other techniques, however, researchers say it could both cut out disease-causing genes and replace them with healthy versions to essentially cure genetic human diseases. So in order to further the science, Mitalipov and his colleagues wanted to test what happened when CRISPR was used in a human embryo. Theoretically, once CRISPR broke the DNA in the appropriate place to cut out a mutation, the cell’s natural repair mechanisms would kick in to repair the injury, fixing the defect this time with the proper code—much like how a word processor’s autocorrect function fixes spelling mistakes.

Unfortunately, this process isn’t very efficient in adult cells in which CRISPR has been tested, so Mitalipov expected similarly low yields in the embryos.

To his surprise, however, he found that embryos were very effective at fixing breaks in DNA.

He created embryos that contained a specific defect known to cause a heart condition by fertilizing healthy donor eggs from various women with sperm from a man who carried the genetic mutation for the disease. He then introduced CRISPR to splice out the mutated gene in more than 50 embryos just after the sperm fertilized the eggs, when the embryos were still just one cell. Several days later, 72% of the embryos showed no sign of the mutated gene; the gene was essentially corrected in all of their cells.

MORE: How the Science of CRISPR Can Change Your Genes

It turns out that the embryo relies on the normal copy of the gene, in this case from the egg, to fix the break made when CRISPR cut out the mutated gene. They key was to introduce CRISPR early enough so the embryo’s own DNA repair system could fix the mutated gene. That’s encouraging for one potential use of CRISPR in the future as a way to correct inherited genetic disease, says Mitalipov, since the embryo seems to have a built-in, reliable way of repairing the injury caused by splicing out an abnormal gene…

Chrissy Teigen Got Super Real About Her 'Period Skin' Pimples on Snapchat

– health.com

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This article originally appeared on People.com.

No matter the situation, Chrissy Teigen isn’t afraid to speak her mind. The star’s honest, tell-it-like-it-is attitude even got her blocked by President Donald Trump on Twitter after she told him, “no one likes you.” (Don’t worry, Teigen was “so happy” Trump blocked her.)

Besides opening up about her political point of view, Teigen keeps it real by sharing her most hilarious and sometimes even cringe-worthy confessions with her fans. Whether she reveals all the intimate details about her sex life with husband John Legend or that she prefers to go commando, we can always count on the model for her blunt candor and advice.

Monday night, Teigen shared what may possibly be her most relatable female dilemma with her fans on Snapchat: the misery of “period skin.”

RELATED PHOTOS: Editors’ Picks: The Best Concealers We Always Have in Our Makeup Bags!

Almost everyone has experienced those pesky hormonal breakouts, but it isn’t often you see big time stars like Teigen showing their pimples to the world without any concealer.

“This is my skin on my period,” Teigen said, displaying her barefaced skin with blemishes on her nose, chin and forehead. “So angry.”

We feel you, Chrissy. But don’t worry: We did some digging and rounded up the best solutions to zap those period pimples and conceal them at the same time. Check them out below!

One dab of this full-coverage concealer, which is formulated to work best with acne prone skin, will erase any flaws and imperfections.

Buy It: IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Breakout Full-Coverage Treatment Concealer, $28; itcosmetics.com

Sip on this yummy doctor-developed beauty supplement (it can be mixed with your morning coffee, tea or smoothie) during the first five days of your cycle to keep skin clear and radiant.

Buy It: BeautyMe The One, $19.95; beautyme.shop

This concealer doesn’t just cover pimples — it’s medicated with a gentle formula that actually heals blemishes too!

Buy It: Clinique Acne Solutions Clearing Concealer, $18; sephora.com

8 Arm Exercises You Haven’t Done Before

– health.com

8 Arm Exercises You Haven’t Done Before

You can read the rest of this article on Life by Daily Burn.

You’ve probably cranked out a bunch of bicep curls and triceps kickbacks throughout your days at the gym. And while these moves work great for building muscles in your upper body, a few creative takes on your typical arm workout will help you carve even better results. That’s especially true if the exercises mix a few movements into one, so you work more muscles simultaneously (that means you’ll burn more calories, too). Enter: These eight creative arm exercises you probably haven’t tried before.

When you say you want sculpted bis, tris, shoulders and back muscles — we say master these moves. Flex it out with this ultimate upper body workout.

RELATED: 3 Quick Triceps Exercises for Sculpted Arms

8 Arm Exercises for a Better Upper Body Workout

Perform each exercise below, in order, for 30 seconds each. Try to eliminate rest time between each move. After the eighth exercise, take a 60-second breather, then repeat two more times. To really intensify the strengthening power, pick up a pair of dumbbells. Soon you’ll want to bare those arms all the time.

GIFs: Daily Burn 365

1. Bicep Curl in Stationary Bear Crawl

Show off your guns by working your biceps (the front of your arm) from a different angle than the standard palm-forward posture. While you do it, you’ll be chiseling your core thanks to the stability-testing stance.

How to: Start on your hands and knees, wrists under shoulders and knees under hips (a). Lift your knees an inch or two off the ground and hold them there, back flat and abs tight (b). Turning your palm up and elbow out to the side, bend your right elbow, curling your hand up to your chest. Your right arm should be perpendicular to your left (c). Place your right hand back down and repeat on the left side (d). Continue alternating.

2. Tricep Chop

You’ll strengthen the back of your arms, aka your triceps, as you perfect this rotational chop. Consider your obliques toned, too.

How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart, slight bend in your knees (a). Clasp your hands together (or hold a dumbbell on both sides) and bring them to your left side, turning your shoulders and head to the left. Your hips should stay facing forward (b). Then, swiftly move your hands overhead, straightening your arms (c). Bend at the elbows to bring your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows squeezing in close to your ears (d). Straighten your arms back overhead (e). Next, bring your hands down to your right side, twisting your upper body to the right (f). Return to the tricep extension and repeat, as you continue alternating sides for the chop.

RELATED: More Muscle, Please: The Evolution of Women’s Arms

3. Hinged Front Raise to Reverse Fly

Welcome a chiseled back and shoulders with this two-for-one move…

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